Trying to figure things out

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New member
Apr 9, 2024
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Hello all,

I'm curious as to what's going on with me.

I've been suspecting that I have als for 4+ years. I've had bodywide muscle twitching but no weakness.

I went to a neurologist who did an exam and strength test but didn't suspect als.

About a few months ago I took a big hit on the back of the head and not long after that I feel like my speech has slurred and my swallowing has changed. When I'm eating, food slides down my throat before I'm ready to swallow. I'm starting to think maybe it's bulbar?

I talked to my doctor and he said it's not likely als. He told me that als at my age (35) is unlikely unless I have a family history. Is that true? I've read different.
It sounds more likely to be related to your head injury. I hope you are getting care for that and not focusing on your ALS fear.

Yes ALS at 35 is unlikely if not FALS. Not impossible but pretty rare. ALS is not a common disease and the risk increases with age. Most PALS are over 50. You tend to see the rare young Pals a lot on social media but that is selection bias
Okay thanks.

My mind wonders sometimes
Yes, be sure someone has done a CT or MRI of your brain and that you understand the results. If there is mild damage, you might benefit from working with a speech language pathologist -- your doc can refer you.
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Do we know what causes or triggers als? Especially at a young age. All the literature says they still don't know what causes it
We know some of the factors that may be involved, like chemical exposures, but there is not a strong specific risk we can point to like COPD/lung cancer/smoking or hypertension/stroke. Research continues on causes/treatments.

The good news is, you're in the wrong place here.
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