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Clearwater AL

Extremely helpful member
Forum Supporter
Aug 28, 2013
Get Real
Trump insisting he take that SUV ride to wave at his supporters
caused chaos at Walter Reed Hospital.

Two of the doctors on his support team said this..

"It was completely irresponsible".

The other

"This is insane."

Another, The two Secret Service members in the bullet proof air protected
(tightly sealed) SUV... "Must go into 14 day quarantine."

Not only that... as Trump left his room the halls down to and the lobby
had to be cleared of people, then disinfected. Same for when he returned.
(Any doctor who enters his room is in full protective gear).
And that photo op of him sitting at a desk supposedly doing work...
the document he was supposedly signing...


Re-read what I posted above.

Once again... this is our Commander in Chief showing as one of his doctors
said, "This is insane.

PS. I will avoid posting on the Veterans sub-forum after one apparently
wasn't happy with me posting a comment wrote...

"This is what this Forum is for'" Previously I posted two "Likes" to replies.

I went to Washington DC with a lawyer to the Court of Veterans Appeals
and won my appeal. I helped a Veteran (who has since passed) get 100%
disability compensation after the DAV blew his case. But... that Forum
maybe better served without my opinion or help. So... I'll keep it here
if anyone needs help with a claim. Hopefully, winning my claim on that'
issue set the path forward for other Veterans.
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That victory lap in the SUV was one of the most insane things I've ever seen, for many reasons. Every time I see this guy lately, I think I'm watching the real life incarnation of the mad dictator from Woody Allen's "Bananas". (if you haven't seen it, watch it)

More importantly, thank you Al for your helping Veterans with their claims.

You're only posting what most of us are thinking. Moreover, his own son, Don, Jr., tried to get him to stop but Eric, Ivanka and her husband encouraged him.

I'll reiterate what I've said before. Donald Trump and his policies affect people with ALS. He claims to have a plan to replace the ACA but he does not. The ACA needs improvement, not replacement. He doesn't care about maintaining adequate funding for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

He is the poster child for white privilege and has never had to want for anything. If he needed a Trilogy, no problem. He would just buy one or two. He has no concept of third world problems because he has not even experienced first world problems. He received experimental treatment for Covid that none of us would get.

One of the last conversations Greg and I had before he passed was about Trump. One of the last conversations Karen and I had before she passed was about Trump.

If anyone didn't question his sanity before his SUV parade, I hope they thought through what they were seeing. Did anyone read his Tweets yesterday and today?

He had no regard for his secret service men, no regard for hospital employees, and no regard for anyone when he attended the super spreader event last week. Look at how many were infected because they failed to maintain social distance and didn't wear masks.
I agree 100% with everything mentioned above! I will add that tonight's evening news spectacle on his discharge (the time was such a coincedence to make sure the whole country watched) was just as bad with his marching up to the porch on the second level and removing his mask!

So now a whole new group of hardworking Americans are subjected to this virus-cooks, housekeepers, valets, etc.

@KimT your hair looks amazing!
If he survives, I wish death to no one who suffers from this virus,
but does comes out of it… I can almost hear more lies.
(I composed this several days ago but decided to wait. Glad I did…
just today the first one came true.)

“It was like having the flu… I’ve had the flu before.”

(Yet to come below)

“I’ve wore masks. They didn’t help me! Did they!”

“I never mocked Joe Biden for wearing a mask or anyone else.”

‘It was careless people around me…”

“I did so well, some of the doctors at Walter Reed are wondering
why they brought me to their hospital.”

“I’m now immune, if it was the virus, and now I can be your strongest
President ever.”

Just today... "This is the best I've felt in 20 years." Yea, he's on a full
load of steroids.... wait till those wear off.

And HE wanted Joe Biden to take a drug test before the debate.

Now today he ended the Stimulus Bill until After (his words)…
“I win the election.” This man has lost it… mentally! He going to
hold millions of suffering/struggling people hostage… mostly his
own base of uneducated workers. And… all the Republican Senators
up for re-election. He cares about NO ONE but himself. There is a
huge serious mental health problem in this country... the millions of
people who adore him. Think about that word... adore. "Support?"
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Cathy, it's my first Covid cut from a professional. I was cutting it myself until I realized the back was three inches longer than the front :LOL:

Al, I'm sure you are spot on in your predictions, although I'm sure there will be even more outrageous stunts to come.
Kim, I am now leaning against calling them "Stunts" to come but...
calling them "Actions of a Mentally Disturbed Person."

If Pence wasn't so drunk on Trumps cool aide... he would move to
invoke the 25th Amendment.

PS. I blame the Cable News Networks for not covering this like they
once did... the food lines are just as long as they were a month ago
and longer in some areas. Stop the Stimulus Bill until after he is
elected?? Geeze.
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Trump walking around the White House with no mask…

The White House employs about 100+ full-time and 250 part-time
residence staff including clerks, ushers, chefs, florists, maids, butlers,
doormen, painters, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, engineers
and calligraphers. In addition, about two dozen National Park
Service staff who take care of the White House grounds.

And a cadre of Secret Service members.

Uncaring, irresponsible, reckless, negligent, selfish.... deadly.
Well, well...

Trumps Heinrich Himmler has been tested positive for Covid 19... Stephen Miller.
(Another of Trumps close aides.)

The author of the Muslim Ban... Trumps director of the border disgrace of
separating children form their parents, putting kids in cages, deporting
mothers or fathers but leaving their children behind here still in cages...
(explain that one other than pure mean) and more.

PS. Miller has been meeting regularly with Pence people and staff. Maybe
Pence too.
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My last on this topic... please take the time to read the new (today)
AG Report concerning the separation of children at the border.
Or follow the reporting now being covered on the cable news
networks or web sites.

It went so far to say... "This was intended torture."

It's now been proven it was intentional, intentionally to be cruel,
some perverted attempt to deter.

It supports what I wrote above. These people/children are human beings.
In the eyes of the world, we are mean, weak bullies.
well this has been something.
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