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Jun 11, 2008
I went back for my 2nd emg in 3 months. The first one was clean. Since then I've had fasciculations in my left hand (on the side under my pinkie) and noticed some in my left calf and left foot (side and bottom). At my 2nd neuro appointment I expressed more concern for ALS. My neuro didn't think it could be but agreed to do a 2nd EMG. Of course, only the hand facics happened while in the office. I haven't gotten the official results yet, but she said I have a trapped ulnar nerve. Which makes sense because I lean on my left elbow at the computer all day. She said nerve entrapment could cause facics but she hasnt seen it herself. I wish i could take some comfort in this diagnosis as the cause but it doesn't explain twitching elsewhere (or maybe even the twitching in the hand). Does anyone know if nerve damage from entrapment would show up differently than nerve damage through ALS? I also have brisk reflexes in the knees which scares me. Am I just being paranoid? :confused:
just my expierence


My twitching started in the same spot. Under the pinkey, mine was a pull and release. I thought it was from feeding baby with bottle. It then spread to single twitches every where, and now is in my calf (more on the side of it, not on the back) and feet and thighs. The hand only twitched for 2-3 weeks and stopped. My hand seems a little weaker but not clinical, as i can still open things and do everything the same. Just pain and aching in that hand. My pinkey knuckle looks a tiny bit raised up-this could have always been the case, I dont know. But the knuckle looks different than other.

When I had my first neuro appt (local) she did that ncv/emg and told me that I had ulnar nerve irritation. Great! WELL, when I went to the university als specialist (that is teaching hosp. and ceritfied als clinic) the als doc told me--no ulnar nerve irritation. That my nerves branch in different way than most and that 25% of the people have that. I was a little bummed, hoping that the ulnar nerve was the problem. I have to trust the specialist at a teaching hosp. over the local.

Anyway, just wanted to share my expierence with the ulnar nerve. I am sure that your's is really an ulnar problem. I just had not heard of this before.

take care,


On one of my emg reports it said I have a martin gruber varient (I don't know if I spelled that right)
well when I looked it up it is exactly what your dr told you that the nerves branch in a different way.
I just thought I share that I was told that I have it also.

I guess we are in the 25%! I pray not the 1% for als!:)

I am hoping the same thing!
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