I have battled with the decision to vent or not as well. After much consideration, I have decided to do it when it becomes necessary. I have always been an extremely independent person and said I would not do this, but it is easy to make this statement when you are not staring death in the face. I lost a lot of ground during a 4 month period and my breathing went from 100% to 30% during this time. Since I am still mobile my decision changed.
I always thought I would be in a wheelchair and totally dependent on someone else when my breathing got this bad so it seemed logical to decline getting a vent - but that is not what happened. I am not ready to die yet and my family wants me around a bit longer.......so I agreed to vent. Thankfully my breathing improved enough I can get by with a bipap.
I put my wife in my place and thought about whether I would feel burdened by having to care for her - NO WAY....I WANT HER AROUND FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE! I would view her care as a privilege, not burden. Life would be so empty without her......I would insist she vent. There is a lot of incorrect information concerning a vent - it is NOT that hard! Yes, you need 24 hour attendance, but once you get used to the routine things are manageable.
Having said that, I have to tell you we moved to an area where we could get the medical support we need for this decision - if we had stayed I would be dead already. Medical differs significantly from area, to area.
Medical people try to talk you out of it because they don't want the liability.......but I have corresponded with a good number of PALS who are vented and they have good quality of life.
With modern technology we can still communicate so we don't have to feel locked-in. I have a lot to contribute to my family and have unborn grandchildren who I want to influence - I believe they will be better people because I chose to live and be a part of their lives. I am going to try it and see if I can do it!
Please don't discount this as an option before you are confronted with the choice of either taking a vent, or dieing - none of us really knows what we will decide until that time!
God Bless us all as these tough decisions have to be made.