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New member
Jul 20, 2015
Hi, I'm extremely sorry for taking your time, but I'm having some real anxiety about my tongue.

For the past 8 months or so my tongue has been twitching at the tip -- it's on and off, and I can feel it, and when I stick it out I can see it.

However, I have read that the tongue of a true ALS patient looks like "a bag of writhing worms."

At first this comforted me because I was fairly certain that this wasn't the case, however no when I look at my tongue at rest in my mouth, it actually does seem to writhe and wriggle.

It seems that in the morning it isn't so, only later into the evening does it appear to be wriggling. My speech feels normal, though I have been having a hard time getting myself to talk for fear of hearing a slur.

I don't have any family history of ALS/MND. I'm a 17 year old male who doesn't drink or smoke.

Almost a year ago I saw a neurologist, who performed a thorough examination of "push this, pull this, stick your tongue to the left, right" sort of thing, and he did look at my tongue for ~40 seconds. I have no other symptoms, I twitch all over, but I've twitched my whole life, only the tongue is new. I can walk fine, I can type fine, everything is fine except for this. Could this be ALS? Should I see a doctor?

Thank you so much, and I'm so sorry to waste your time,

Hi Roland
You are apparently a twitcher Here is a quote from a leading ALS specialist. Dr Turner of Oxford wrote "Fasciculations without weakness, including the tongue, are usually entirely benign". Add to this your age, lack of family history 8 months of tongue twitching without any other symptoms in the area I do not think you have to spend a moment worrying about ALS. However if you are concerned see your doctor for reassurance
Thank you very much!

Best wishes,
I think you're still here, Roland, perhaps hoping for a second response.

Nikki really knows what she's talking about.

You're 17. Just from that I'd say 'no ALS.' I've reviewed probably 2000 people with ALS, and not a one is under 27.
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