Tongue Twitching
You should look into this further, esp. with twitching. Do your homework before going to a neuro, find the most exp. in MND / ALS, Cleveland Clinic or Mayo or Houston Methodist. That is exactly how my sypmtpoms started. I have not been diagnosed with ALS, but feel its only a matter of time., as i'm in the waiting game, wait to see if it gets worse. I'm about 90 days into twitching, and scallop marks first appeared on my tongue besides twitching about 30 days ago, and its gone downhill since. Now, my seems as if some times it deviates also. You should look at the "middle line" is it straight or not?
Also, i've probably researched ALS enough to be a doctor now and have found that tongue twitching is very uncommon and more common in ALS, of which, i have tongue twitches. You should see a neruo and demand an EMG, esp. of the tongue and paraspinals.
Your not alone and we all hope this just stops for you.
You should also keep an eye for any changes in your body.
Good luck!