Tongue atrophy left side and left hand clumsiness

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New member
Sep 26, 2016
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Hi all,
Im a 29 yo male who is fit and active, never had any prior issues other then ACL tear and a few concussions a couple years back.

The past month and a half I have been noticing it was feeling strange while chewing food, like the left side of my mouth wasn’t chewing the food as well and when speaking felt like I was dropping or something on that side as well. Around the same time my left hand has begun to feel clumsy while tying my shoes, opening bottles or holding things.

I decided to examine my tongue and there is definitely loss of mass on the left side of my tongue, obviously I won’t post pictures of my tongue, but this alarmed me. I haven’t had any muscle spasms or involuntary movements but the hand clumsiness and tongue feeling has me worried.

Ive called my PCP for an appointment, but I was just wanting some opinions here.

I pray for you all and thank you for your time
I had made a post a few years back about my foot/pinky toe failing and that turned out to be a severe herniated disc L5/S1 which has since been dealt with through physical therapy. I haven’t had any scares or symptoms since that was dealt with
Past threads here:

With a 4 year history of posting here, if you had ALS you'd be severely compromised by now- and it sounds like you've discovered non-ALS reasons for past symptoms and had resolution of those symptoms. I think it's a good idea to continue working with your doctor to get to the bottom of your concerns, but you should feel reassured that an ALS forum is not where you belong. It might also be a good idea to work on your anxiety surrounding your health while you look at reasons for those symptoms.
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