i am going to have to "butt in" here and say a few words with regards to research and cures. this is a touchy subject for me so forgive me if i rant a little.
firstly the goverments need to get there prioritys right. millions of people are suffering and dying from illnesses and need cures/treatment from research yet they waste our taxes on nucleur weapons/arms, needless wars and many other things.the goverments need to give more funds to research instead of relying on donations.
secondly when a treatment/cure is found the "fat cat" pharmacutical companys try to fleece as much money as they can out of us and the goverments. the goverments need to get tough if any advancement is to be made.
for example, jane tomlinson who had breast cancer raised 2million pounds for cancer research during the last years of her life but she was denied a cancer treatment because it both not available in her town and too expensive.
what was the point of her spending her last days here on earth raising money for cancer?pointless.
the world is on the brink of a food crisis, not just in the third world anymore but everywhere. why? because of the goverments drive for more biofuel. farmers are being told to switch from crops to grow corn,wheat and soya oil leaving a world shortage of staple foods like corn,wheat and rice.
the word PRIORITY does not exist in a goverment dictionary and till it does we will not see any advancement just WASTE of peoples lives,money.