Together We Will Figure it out

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Senior member
Aug 24, 2007
Maybe By trial and Error we can get those Baby Steps Down and get to the Big ones . I just Know that the answer is Right In Front Of Us . We Just need to Look ,Like a Puzzle

I sure hope you are right! It's been so long and there is absolutely 0 advancement!

i am going to have to "butt in" here and say a few words with regards to research and cures. this is a touchy subject for me so forgive me if i rant a little.
firstly the goverments need to get there prioritys right. millions of people are suffering and dying from illnesses and need cures/treatment from research yet they waste our taxes on nucleur weapons/arms, needless wars and many other things.the goverments need to give more funds to research instead of relying on donations.
secondly when a treatment/cure is found the "fat cat" pharmacutical companys try to fleece as much money as they can out of us and the goverments. the goverments need to get tough if any advancement is to be made.
for example, jane tomlinson who had breast cancer raised 2million pounds for cancer research during the last years of her life but she was denied a cancer treatment because it both not available in her town and too expensive.
what was the point of her spending her last days here on earth raising money for cancer?pointless.
the world is on the brink of a food crisis, not just in the third world anymore but everywhere. why? because of the goverments drive for more biofuel. farmers are being told to switch from crops to grow corn,wheat and soya oil leaving a world shortage of staple foods like corn,wheat and rice.
the word PRIORITY does not exist in a goverment dictionary and till it does we will not see any advancement just WASTE of peoples lives,money.

There is nothing wrong with getting it all out ... it's actually good for you to relieve stress!:-D

Many people, I'm sure, are in agreement.
Heres a good one for Yuh . Now we all know about Ethanol,comes from corn right helps save gas right WRONG it uses fuel to make it .You have to cook the corn to get the Etanol So wheres the savings ?
The savings is in the Rich Farmers pocket .Has your Govvernment Paid you to stay home from work and still pay you? No but we pay Framers to not grow Crops .I beleive Hydrogen is the way to go .theres already a Hydrogen Engine and doesnt use energy to make .But here we go again with that word Politics whos in whos pocket . Geo
I'm with Geo

They (or we) have got to stumble (no pun intended :)) on some solution or form of repairing motor neurons, or at least something to stop future damage within or bodies. I don't know, maybe I'm just too simple of a person and can not understand how research has not turned up something to at least stop the progression. I understand that they my not be able to reverse it, but at least stop the break down of our motor system.

in theory it sounds simple lol. my point was more goverment funding/backing is needed to make any advancement instead of spending/wasting billions of pounds on things we dont need or want. science relys on either public donations or goverment grants to persue there research. we are getting nowhere in research of mnd compared to some other neuro illnesses. why is that?
take care
hi olly....I completely understand your point. I can only imagine that MND might not be a top priority in government funding or in international fund raising. The problem is the politics of it is sooooo far over my head I could not even begin to logically discuss it (lol). I am actually learning more about all the MND's than I ever wanted too know. :?
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