Tired jaws

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Distinguished member
Sep 5, 2007
Tired jaws and joint cracking

At first - I dont think I really have ALS, but people who are struggling between DX and little worries keep me here with you.
Im almost 24, having fasciculations for more than 17 months, except joint cracking I have no other symptoms. Im bothering neurologic ER every 3 months for immediate exam- all is normal. EMG done 11 months ago was clean. My fascics arent constant, I got sporadic ones a few times per minute.
What is causing a little worry is my jaw and probably chewing muscles - everytime I chew the muscles get tired quickly..Thats it - its not new for me, I noticed it year ago and so I think with ALS it would be much worse now..
Anyway, I would like to know your experiences..

My second question: does any PAL here noticed joint cracking? I have read that lack of muscles cant cause it, others say, it can.

You have been twitching for a long time with no weakness AND your twitching is very sporadic and occasional. That just isn't typical ALS twitching.

Your tired jaws that you have might very well be due to your level of anxiety, which is causing you to clench your jaws when you don't know you're doing it . . . especially at night. It could be TMJ. It could be a bunch of things. It isn't progressing as you said . . . and as you know . . . ALS is a progressive disease.

If your joints were popping because of muscle atrophy, you would have muscle weakness, especially if the muscle atrophy was due to ALS. On top of that, weakness precedes muscle atrophy and you don't have any weakness.

You have age on your side, too.

You said it's been nearly a year since you've had an EMG: go get another one done so you can finally put this to rest.
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