Thanks Liz,
I think we all need to do something for ourselves once in the while. But lately i haven't had that luxury. My oldest daughter just had exploritory surgery yesterday. I'm happy to say it went very well. So hopefully she,ll be doing better soon. Then a few weeks ago,, my brother got hurt at work. He fell off a ladder and split his head open, which threw he into, seizures. He is not doing very well. The specialists are now arguing over what they think is wrong with him. Meanwhile, his wife wasn't feeling very good , so they ran some tests. Only to discover that she has a virus in her thyroid ,, so she has to have it out,, pretty soon. As if that werent' enough,,
All of my Son's and part of my "Identity" was stolen about a month ago. He's in the service, and was being transferred from Japan to South Carolina. When the shipments of his stuff started arriving,, someone broke in. They grabbed a bag,, thinking it was a laptop ,, and unfortunately,, it had all our papers in it ,, for shipping. Anyway,, thats why i have been alittle distracted from the forum. All the stress,, causes,, some bad days.
Anyway,, it is,,, in Gods hands,, so i'm sure it'll be alright. I pray ,, you all have a good day tomorrow.
Love and Prayers