Hi, just to update and ask a couple of questions...
I got my serum ammonia back and it was within range so, normal. I looked at my chart record and the last time it was checked, which was in Feburary of this year, it was 94.
One of my questions are, with the serum ammonia being in range, and these symptoms progressing, would it be logical to rule out hyperammonia as the cause?
The second question is, would my motor neuron diagnoses act like ALS?
My speech is getting even worse, and I can tell its because I dont have control of some of the muscles in my tongue and mouth. I get out of breath before I can finish sentences too, at times.
I just now woke up choking again, resulting from inability to swallow saliva while sleeping , and couldnt control the muscles of my throat and diaphram to cough out the fluid. I've been drooling worse as well. Even now, my tongue feels strange.
I've had the ultrasound of my.shoulder muscle which showed the areas are fluid. No obvious cysts or masses, which is good news. I dont need another cancer to deal with.
This is getting dang scary, I dont mind telling you.
So would motor neuron disease present in this fashion, with the loss of muscle control, as well as jerking? I can tell its my nerve pathways with the jerking because I have pain as well, at the points where they fired me up with the nerve conduction test
Apologies this post is so long.