I am in Trouble
Night before last. I got chewed out be Tims Nurse when I went at 8:30. Tim had started bleeding and vomiting earlier. So they had Tim relaxed an asleep. The Nurse asked me not to wake him aand explained what happened. Thank God it was not an Arterial Vein. Anyway, I started swaying and the Nurse had to catch my arm and I leaned against the wall. I almost passed out. I was so exhausted and not feeling well. First of all he asked where is the rest of my FAMILY? That I cannot do this alone. He also stated that the Case Worker made a note in Tim's file that I was the only one coming on a consistent basis. Why was the rest of the FAMILY not coming? I said I was not making anymore excuses for them. They can call and ask them why they are not coming. I have had it with them. My brother Ron comes about every 3-4 days for a few minutes. They told me I look terrible. I was also having Vertigo spells. Then last night, another Nurse stopped me when I was leaving, she said Mrs. Walley, You are going to have to look after you. I have seen it too many times, people getting sick trying to keep up all the time. I told her I knew that, but I am Tims support system. I am not going to let him down.
My FAMILy (all of them) have an OH WOE IS ME EXCUSE! I am sick to. But I put Tim above myseslf. If he did not have me, he would have no one. I will not let that Happen!
Then then last night, something else upset Tim and I both. I will post later about that. I need to get some things strait at the Hospital, today. Going in 45 minutes.
Thank God I am the person I am. I cannont believe some people in this world. (yes I can).
Linda-I re-scheduled my appt, this morning for August 17th at 9:40. At t his point, I dont even care if I go or not. I am had!
Had to Vent. Thanks Guys!
Netty -I hope you have people helping you!
Happy Birthday Crystal!:-D