Tim is in the Hospital/Pneumonia

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Senior member
May 17, 2007
Loved one DX
Tim is in the ICU at Providince Hospital in Mobile. He went in Sunday after noon at 1:00pm. He has Pneumonia in the Right Lung (small amount). He is on the Bi-Pap today. He was exausted because he has not gotten any rest since Saturday. I seen him this evening. His spirits are good. We will know tomorrow if he can come off the Bi-Pap. But one will be going home with him. They seem to think he was just worn out. Yesterday he had a mean Red Headed Nurse that humiliated him. Then she made me mad. But I knew I could not get thrown out because he needs me. I got my point across to her with a SMILE! MEAN she Was!

Netty, Looks like Tim and Freddie was about in the same boat. Both being in the Hospital at the same time. Call me when you get a chance. I know were are busy. But, What are Friends for?

Please keep Tim in your Thoughts and Prayers!

I'm so sorry about Tim, but it sounds as if the pneumonia was found early? I'll certainly be keeping him in my thoughts throughout the days ahead. He's so lucky to have you! I hope you're doing okay.
Those red headed nurses can have mean tempers! LOL :mad: but I'll bet you set her straight. Way to go, girl! ;-)
Keep us posted about Tim and take good care of yourself.
Best wishes,
Hi Lorie! God bless you and your brother Tim! Lorie, I wish you and Tim had been with us Saturday, celebrating Freddie's birthday. It was such a special day for me! I will forever cherish that day! I met a mountain of a man, let me tell you Lorie.........we bonded! I actually felt like my son was alongside of me as I stood there, talking, shaking hands, and holding my friend Freddie. I wish you had been there with us, my friend! May God bless you, and your dear brother Tim! Prayers!

Hi Lori - sorry to hear of Tim's troubles. I'm going to PM you the latest on the van. Should be hitting the road to you this week. All arrangements have been finalized for delivery.

Lori - I tried to send you a PM about the van and your mailbox is full. I'll send it by e-mail.


I will keep you and Tim in my prayers. Please keep me in yours.


Glad to hear you had a good experience.
Oh LOrie- pneumonia again? I am so sorry! Hugs, Cindy
Lorie, I am so sorry th hear Tim is in the hospital! Am so sorry I am just now replying, but your post just caught my eye. Tell your brother we are praying for him, okay? How is your other brother? You take care of yourself sweet girl! God bless you all.

Lorie please tell Tim I am praying for a quick recovery. May you also have peace in the midst of so much happening. Seems like you never get a break anymore.
dear lorie. i am so upset to hear tim is not well again,i hope he gets well enough to come off the bipap. you must be out of your mind with worry. you and tim are always in my thoughts and prayers,doub'ly so over the days to come.
so sorry!

Lorie, I'm so sorry that this has happened. I'm glad that you're laying down the law for that mean nurse. Maybe she should consider a career change?:) Letty
Update on Tim from Lorie

Lorie sent this to me since she cannot log in for some reason. Update on Tim,
Please post this for me. I am having problems logging on again. (Cindy, AL Please help)
Tim is a little better. Dale is in a Manic depressive state.
My Life is "Living Hell"! I will not let the Devil win.
I want Tim better. I don't know what more I can do for Dale. He has had a second chance at Life.

I have a friend from the Forum Visiting this weekend. My hands are full. I Love Tim very much. He knows that for sure. I am always there.

I don't know how much I can take anymore. I am going to the Nuero. once a Month now. I am wondering if I shouldn't, go to the Mental Ward!

I have to keep it together. Tim did not want me to leave this evening, but they ran me off. I am soooo tired. Thanks for listening.

Love all,


Please pray for Lorie and Tim, Thanks
Try to get some rest so you can have a better perspective and not feel so swamped. There's nothing like escaping through sleep. It's impossible to handle tough situations when you're tired and you know you'll be better for Tim if you're rested.
I'm so glad Tim is better. That's such a shame about Dale!
All good wishes to you, Lorie, and I hope you have a good visit with the forum friend. I'm sure it will help to talk.
Take care,
Lorie and Capt. Al. I checked and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your settings Lorie. Have you changed a password or something lately? Let me know if it's still broke and David might find something.
Hope things change for the better.


You're going through such a rough time- are you taking an anti-depressant? The right one can help you cope. Letty
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