This Cold Weather

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Distinguished member
Aug 10, 2005
Ok so all that worry and dad got so sick on Friday night that he never even went to the party... Coughing, chills, fever, vomiting, and everything else you can think of that night. Due to this his walk was so bad and he was so weak that his whole body was just not him. Is this normal can this be chalked up to ALS? What I mean is that the reg. cold or virus that dad had mixed with the fact that he has ALS is it normal to have felt so much weaker then usual? Will he bounce back again? He is doing better and better everyday but he really has not walked much since the virus. He stayed in all day on Saturday but when he went out yesterday and today he just drove Grandma around and stayed in the car he said between the cold weather and the fact that he is so stiff that he has pain in his right leg for about 5 min and then is so slow and stiff that he will wait until it is warmer to walk around. I am really worried. Does the cold weather really effect the limbs that much more? What can dad for this pain and what is the pain exactly. He says that it is after he sits for a long period of time, sleeps on it but if he is on his back it does not hurt.... What should he take for it?

Thanks for your answers in advacne Jen
Jen, cold weather has a big impact on me. The second winter after my diagnosed my doctor put me on sick leave in the middle of winter so I could go the southern US to escape the cold. My legs get very stiff at temps below about 10°C. I'm like the old farmer who puts his longjohns on in October and keeps then on until Victoria Day. I do the same and they help me a lot. I keep my office at 25°C and that also helps. In the mornings, it is very difficult to move my legs at all to get out of bed. I take baclofen for the stiffness but probably not enough.

I don't know where in NY you are but if you are anywhere except along the coast your winters are probably colder than ours in Newfoundland so my advice for your dad is keep very warm and speak to his neurologist about baclofen. I don't have much pain in my legs so I can't advise on that except to say that it is not normally a ALS symptom except for cramping. One thing I enjoy and that helps with the stiffness is a remote starter to pre-heat my car and heated car seats as well.

PS, I like your name. It is nicely ambiguous, and one of the meanings is sure to be right, hopefully the first. You can read it as we-will-beat-this or we-will-be-at-this.
I am sorry your dad did not get to go to the party. A virus will make one feel very weak and unwell. When someone is already weak and not feeling well having something else on top of it will make you feel worse. Especially when it is a virus because it leaves you feeling so fatigued. I believe the cold weather also makes things worse. I would just let him rest and take it easy, keep him warm, well hydrated, and nutritionally well. In time he will feel better again. Just feeling physically unwell can make somone also feel emotionally unwell due to exhaustion. Hope your dad feels better soon. Take care.

I too stiffen up in the cold. Hands are the worst. Once cold it takes a long time to warm them up. And they don't work worth a darn when cold. My advice is to stay in where it's warm.
Heny also became as stiff as a board in the cold. Nothing worked when he got cold. and I mean nothing. This is the cold and flu season, so, the best "we" all can do is try to stay warm and ward off the bugs the best we can. I had a bugger of a cold the first of February. Missed a few days of work. The best thing to do is rest. Easier said than done for most but the real only medicine. Too bad he missed the party, I was wondering if he made it there and what the outcome was. He probably would have enjoyed himself very much, Oh well, I am sure there will be other outings and other parties that he can get to. Stay healthy and drink lots of hot tea and have lots of chicken soup. Of course, this will make him pee a lot ! Oh, that was the other thread. Sorry ha..... Anyway, hope he is feeling better soon. Take care. Hugs to all.

Love, Carol
Hello Everyone,

Yes you were all right as usual. Dad is feeling much better these last few days. He is back to eating normal, getting back to exercise and doing his norm. Although the last few days have been so cold that he is not going out as much cause he is so stiff.

I told him how it is the norm to be so much more stiff in the winter months due to the cold and he was so happy that it was not just him. I hope that he decides to come on and speak to everyone on the board once he lives with us and has the computer at the house.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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