"The Great Puppeteer"

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Senior member
Aug 11, 2007
Hi everyone i am in good spirits for the moment, i have insurance now and can take care of some things that need to be taken care of! Anyhow, i thought i would write on how i describe what i am feeling with my arm since so many people ask about weakness, wasting and how it feels............ Both of my arms are affected but the left is waaaay worse. I was folding clothes, horribly today and it came to me as how to describe how my arm and hand feel. Just like a puppet. You know how arms on a puppet are floppy when they go to reach and very uncoordinated! I kept reaching for a garment and it was like my arm was wobbling or thrown at the clothes and forget about my left hand. Everytime i tried to grab something it was like i was just throwing my hand at the clothes like trying to fish and hope something grabs hold. When i wash in the shower and have to use my left arm it is like i am dragging it along my long and maybe it will was the where i want. I am laughing right now, oh lord how it is good that i can laugh at myself. I make fun of myself all the time and genuinely laugh, it is not funny when i see others that are dealing with it though.. That scares me really bad to be honest............Does this help to describe what happens to your arm and hand also or is this totally all my own! Have a great night, Sammantha
the perfect description!

That is the best description of arm weakness and wasting I've read and it fits my own situation perfectly. It's like having the arms of a puppet! Thanks for putting words to something hard to describe, I'm sure I'll be using them to help those in my own life understand what this is like!
do your arms feel heavy? mine somtimes feel like they are 100 pounds and I just dont want to move them. I can move them and do little things they just feel heavy and tired. Also, when I am doing things in my kitchen or opening things my hands hurt. I think it could be from the loss of muscle? anyone with this?
Great analogy and visualization, that's how I feel. Just call me the dummy! ;-)
just a question to you all with the puppet arms:

In the begining, b4 it felt like that what were the first sign/feelings?

1~did your arms feel tired and heavy?
2~did your hands hurt or ache when using them?
3~did you have thinning b/wthumb and finger at about same time you felt weak
4~did you lose muscle tone in your hands & wrist at about the same time in both?

sorry to bug you all, I am just trying to asses what the deal is with my arms. they feel heavy, my hands have shrunk and ache alot, thinning b/w thumb and finger on both, wrists are weak. with all that being said, I can still hold my baby (not long), and open things and work in kitchen (my hands kinda hurt when I do things, like there is not enough padding).

I just am trying to assess how bad it is with my arms, I thank any one in advance

anyone.....anyone.....anyone.......I hear crickets.......
Hi April,

For me:

1~did your arms feel tired and heavy?
Yes, but not that heavy, tired, like I just threw a baseball for hours and hours

2~did your hands hurt or ache when using them?
No, just weak

3~did you have thinning b/wthumb and finger at about same time you felt weak
Yes but its happening slowly

4~did you lose muscle tone in your hands & wrist at about the same time in both?
1. I can't say they feel "heavy," but the muscles on my arms start to hurt and fatigue quickly if I engage in a repetitve activity or if I hold my arms above my head for a short period of time, for example.

2. Some of my fingers in both of my hands hurt when I bend them or they seem to be sore to the touch. They also hurt if I have to use them to hold something. My wrists also hurt when I place weight on them, such as using them to get up from a sitting psition, for example. My large toes hurt when I walk. The pressure on them when I walk makes them hurt.

3. I'm not certain about thinning since I have small hands, but they do seem to have lost some muscle tissue.

4. I'm not certain about the time issue.
Thank you for the reply and not leaving me hanging on that!

vmd~my wrist hurt when leaning on them also, not to get up but just leaning on them for a period of time.

AND my large toe on left foot (along with inner arch) hurt alot when i do alot of walking. ANd then somtimes not. I never had anyone say they had the same thing as me, when it so exact. (ie. wrist and toe).

Makes you wonder how we all have kinda the same symptoms but my neuro says "dont worry about als!"

anyway thanks for reply guys!
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