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Jun 16, 2005
The ALS March of Faces is always looking for new participants, for those of you who do not know, The ALS March of Faces is a patient/caregiver governed and operated non-profit organization, dedicated to heightening public awareness of ALS, and advocating on issues that concern and/or benefit PALS (People with ALS).

The mission of the ALS March of Faces is to provide public awareness where PALS, their caregivers, families and friends, can empower themselves to better their lives and help accelerate the process of finding a cure, through ALS Education, Awareness, Advocacy and Fundraising Events, so that The Banner will never have to be displayed again.

All PALS are more than welcome to take part at no cost if you want more information or a permission form, they are downloadable at my web site: or by contacting me at my e-mail: [email protected]

We have a new board of directors in place who are bound and determined to raise awareness to an all-time high, with your help we can do this.
Further to My Previous Remarks

There are a few little-known facts as well as some misconceptions abot the ALS MARCH OF FACES and they are:
1) PALS from around the world are more than welcome to take part
2) there is absolutely no charge to take part
3) there was a rumor at one time that you had to be deceased to take part, NOT TRUE!
4) the ALS MARCH OF FACES is probably one of the very best awareness tools that we have, all you have to do is to see a banner displayed at a function and you'll realize that.
5) to understand how ALS Canada and the Canadian Provinces have bought into this idea we now have banners in all 10 Provinces with 770 plus people taking part from across the country. We have in excess of 80 banners (some duplicates) from across the country. Many more of the Provinces are very close to having more banners.

Given these facts you can understand that they are working or the Provinces would not purchase the banners. We are trying to get the same interest built in the US where the program originated. As with my first post you can find permission forms on my web site or from me [email protected]. Please help us get the word out it is so very important.

Thank you,
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