Thanks for help...

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New member
Jan 18, 2006
Hi All:

I wanted to post a thank you note to all who post on this board. In the past few days I have found encouragement, inspiration and ideas in helping my fiance's mother cope with her ALS.

My fiance's mother passed away tonight, just four and a half months after her diagnosis of ALS. My fiance and I were to spend the night at the hospital with her to help her nurses care for her. She was sleeping peacefully when we arrived and was gone about an hour later.

God has another angel, and we are left with only memories, but those memories will stay in our hearts forever.

I am going to continue to read these forums and I have been thinking about volunteering with the ALS Society here in Calgary. I am even more determined to do this now, so that in the future, they may find a way to beat ALS.

Thanks again for your support,

Allie, I'm sorry to hear about your fiance's mom. I'm glad that she went peacefully for all of you.
Allie, I'm sorry to hear about your fiance's mom.Just 4 and a half monthes is so fast for ALS.Our prayers are with you
Sorry for your loss. I suspect that your offer to volunteer will be greatly accepted in Calgary.
Take Care

Dear Allie I am so sorry for your loss.
Sorry about your lost, it seems to have happend very quickly. Volunteering is a great way to help and there are so many ways. Visting, helping to fill in forms or just talking are all great ways to help. I am so grateful to the volunters who have given up thier time for me in my location. Be strong
Hi Allie,

So sorry to hear about your loss. Heaven has another angel. Sounds like she went peacefully and in her sleep. Your memories will last a lifetime, and I am sure that you will find that helping out in the als society will be fullfilling for you. Again, my condolences to you and your family at this sad time.

Dear Allie,

My sincere sympathy to you and your family in your great loss.
Love and prayers,
I hope that you and your husband to be will find peace in knowing that his mom is watching over you both. I think that the one blessing with this disease is that some people pass away in their sleep. It sounds like she passed painlessly and peacefully. God bless you and your fiance.
dear allie
sorry for your loss, may your memories help at this time. volunteer would be a great and wonderful thing to do. take care and god bless you all
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