Hi Holly, i Hope your first introduction to tHe forum is not from fisHer's vivid comments, wHicH no one will understand.
you will find quite a support system Here, tHere are tHe regulars, carol, al, debbie, kim's Helper, melissa..wHere is sHe? tbear. and numerous otHers.....i pop in off and on. and please ignore tHe problems witH tHe letter H wHen you type, tHe site Had a massive crasH recently and tHey Have just restored it.
if you go into tHe general discussion site and scroll down to tHe subject "introductions requested", you will get a bio of many of tHe people wHo are on Here. it will Help you to understand tHem, become aquainted witH tHem. i Have a friend witH als, or i did, anotHer story for a danielle steele bad novel, but tHere are many witH tHis disease, and caregivers on line daily and will Help you. tHey will become your second family.
read tHe postings to get a Handle on it...and ignore all of al's Humourous lines...just kidding al, you make us laugH.
don't be afraid, most of tHem don't bite.