? Symptoms. Neurologist or ortho?

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Feb 24, 2024
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Update. I posted previously about left hand atrophy, loss of pincer grasp , and splits hand sign.
Split hand sign in left hand. Positive EMG. Not yet diagnosed

Went through unofficial NCS and EMG in neuros office after MRIS and labs. Nothing really abnormal. I was told I have peripheral neuropathy, and C3,4,5 6 stenosis I was referred to get cervical epidural. I refused because I don’t have pain. When I asked about my left hand he brushed me off as her was walking out the door and said “ it’s chronic”. Next I go to ortho, he’s concerned about my hand , I can only “ fist “ things to pick up. L arm atrophy is present to. I really want your opinions. The ortho Dr wants to see me back on Thursday to talk about my hand and arm. He’s not sure if I should see neuro or an ortho surgeon because of my cervical stenosis. I was concerned , then I stopped worrying about it when the Nero Dr brushed me off. I’ve just adjusted to the fact my left arm and hand don’t “ work” like my right one. I didn’t go on to tell my ortho all of my symptoms because ( this sounds ridiculous saying it) I didn’t want to sound like a whiner. I go back Thursday and I’d like some help as to what to tell him. They never have time. Here is what’s going on.
I already mentioned my hand ,
L arm with increased weakness. It seems like I use my shoulder to do things instead of my arm muscles.
L shoulder pain, pain at the base of my skull radiating to neck l side.
I feel like my legs shake and I have b
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I’m back. I posted earlier. The end result was that I was told that basically nothing wrong per the neurologist. I got no answer. I was told I had a NMD by my pcp and subsequently was told by my neurologist that it was not the case. He discharged me after having an abnormal NCS. I do have spinal stenosis of C3,4,5,6. I went back to ortho on Friday. He’s concerned about my left hand , I have spit hand sign. Now my middle finger is curling toward my palm. The weakness is getting worse, I’ve only noticed it recently. He told me that he’s going to review my mris and he’s just not sure if I should see neuro or an ortho surgeon. I’m confused and have no idea what the best specialist to see is Can anyone give me some insight. I refuse to go back to the previous neurologist. I go back to ortho this Thursday to discuss things with him.
Thank you.
As far as your appointment best to write things down. Bullet points for symptoms are helpful. Examples of things you can not do are also good.

If you want a second neurologist opinion, that’s reasonable. You could also see an orthopedic surgeon as well.

Cervical stenosis and peripheral neuropathy can certainly cause weakness and atrophy, but you need the doctors to correlate your exam with your clinical tests
In your one-page summary, try to list deficits in date order, specify duration like Jan. 2023-present, or Jan. 2023- June 2023, or summer 2023, and as Nikki said, be specific, like "no longer able to do X without sharp pain in Y, radiating to Z."

I am confused about where you are in the diagnostic process as per your last thread. Was the PCP's statement about an unspecified neurodegenerative disorder based on anyone else's assessment?
Thank you so much for your responses. They were very helpful. I will write things down. That’s a good idea. I will keep you posted after my consult.
Thank you for responding. As far as my PCP, she said that it was based on my neuro visit but didn’t give me any further information. I spent a week thinking that I had als. Then had a neuro visit. He told me he’s not concerned so I stopped worrying about it and contributed everything to my spinal stenosis. I had a visit with ortho Friday. He’s concerned and wil refer me to ortho surgeon or neuro. I go back to ortho tomorrow to discuss things with him. So really I’m just begging the process.
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