Swallowing ?

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Distinguished member
Jan 1, 2008
Loved one DX
My question is, in ALS is the trouble with swallowing more difficult with water or food. Thanks.
OK 4rhl, you gotta start using the search feature. Are you trying to get your post count up? That question has been addressed a dozen times in the last 2 months on the different forums. Anyone who has looked up bulbar symptoms knows the answer to that question. Nobady minds answering anybody's questions but we expect you to do your part by at least looking something up first. Joel c is on a vent and I type with 1 friggin finger. We feel a need to help but help us by helping yourself.


I have no problem with people asking questions that MAY have been answered before.
There could be NEW information available, or more people now are viewing the post question !

I understand what you're saying, but there is a search feature that should be used if possible, because there are some topics that have been brought up with great regularity. Many on here do not have full use of their fingers, some have extremely limited use of any of their fingers, and even scrolling down to read what has been asked and answered before is quite an effort for them.

This is also the reason that Al has kindly requested on several occasions that we don't use the "quote" function when quoting something that has just been posted. It is useful, however, to refer back to a previous post on a thread that might be several pages in length. Its a common courtesy that helps out many.

This is not to say it is taboo to ask a previously asked question, just to make the effort to find out first is all.

Something such as this thread is not a subject that is going to see new information become available. People with bulbar weakness have more difficulty with thin liquids because thin liquids are more easily aspirated.

take care, :-)
The problem with this question is this guy has had ALS in his family since before 1981. He should know the answer to that question. He's got 98 posts. If he was new, that's different. I'm wondering why all of a sudden this guy posts 5 or 6 questions in a couple of days.

I was 9 years old when my grandfather died. And only got to see him maybe 4 times once he got sick! And as far as Bruce shortly after he got sick in 1986, my mother left him, and did not find out he was deceased from ALS until about 15 months ago. As far as posting I'm in a steady decline and losing muscle rapidly and hoping I don't fully developed ALS or anything of the likes of it, I wasn't passive when I fought for my country multiple time and I'm not going to be passive now! I will for the sake of others try to limit my post and uses the search function more extensively though.
I have no problem with people asking questions that MAY have been answered before.
There could be NEW information available, or more people now are viewing the post question !

Thank you.
Sorry 4rhl1981. I'm thinking of 2 people's stories and thinking it was one person. I've got you straight now.

I personally had 3 distinct issues with swallowing:

1. Could not initiate it, with either hard food or liquid just staying in my mouth

2. After swallowing, hard food would stay somewhere very high in my esophagus (at least that's how it felt), and I needed additional swallowing to get it down

3. After swallowing, liquid would partially go to my nose and cause a burning sensation there

These symptoms were very acute in Nov-Dec 2006, on and off for a couple of weeks. Nowdays, I sometimes still have #1, and on very rare occasions #2.
I personally had 3 distinct issues with swallowing:

1. Could not initiate it, with either hard food or liquid just staying in my mouth

2. After swallowing, hard food would stay somewhere very high in my esophagus (at least that's how it felt), and I needed additional swallowing to get it down

3. After swallowing, liquid would partially go to my nose and cause a burning sensation there

These symptoms were very acute in Nov-Dec 2006, on and off for a couple of weeks. Nowdays, I sometimes still have #1, and on very rare occasions #2.

Are your saying its better now?
> Are your saying its better now?

Yes, most of my symptoms receded since, though not all, some got worse.
Doesn't sound like als..
Achalasia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have two friends with the above disorder.

My husband cannot handle thin liquids very well and he has had ALS for over 2 years, with Bulbar/Limb onset. He had an episode where he could not swallow his saliva.

Can't help this:

You got SALIVA?
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