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Dec 21, 2011
Learn about ALS
Stony brook
Hello and thanks for everyones time here. I just wanted to run something past anybody that will listen on the forum. I have what I call swallowing issues over the last several weeks. It feels as though all of the food doesnt actually go down my throat. Naturally I have scared myself into bulbar als, but I am not sure. I went to my GP yesterday who looked in my mouth and told me that all of my muscles were good and that I dont have anything to worry about. He checked me over neurologically and said that a Barium swallow was unecessary. He prescribed effexor to calm my nerves and told me that my mouth was very dry due to the anxiety that I was having. Does this sound like anything to be concerned about? Should I push for the swallow test? Thanks to anyone that will listen.
Maybe you should wait a few more months and see what happens? That's just a suggestion, and I know that is easier said than done. If you think it gets worse maybe then you can try and get the swallow test. Maybe you will feel better if you give it a little time. A couple of weeks is not very long.
My first symptoms were swallowing issues. I had them for at least 3 months before I went to my GP, they were minor (like yours) at the time but the GP recognised them as an issue, it then took a further 3 months for a diagnosis of PBP. It was a further 3 months before the neuro, speech path (or I) felt like there was a need for a swallow test. Everyone is different I realize but even then the swallow test only told me what I already knew, that I was having trouble swallowing and there was a small amount of leakage with liquid. If you haven't had a chest infection I'd suggest you try and not worry too much about getting the swallow test done quickly. Just wait and see how other things progress (if indeed they do). Best of luck and try and not focus on every niggle, I know it's hard but it's the best advice I can give you.
Its a tough thing not to focus on all of those little things that we get from time to time. I feel like the food gets stuck in the top part of my throat and then eventually goes down. I dont have any problems with liquids or thin items it is just most solid foods. I have health anxiety and I know that this is an issue. It is tough to know if you actually have a swallowing issue or if it is something that is being brought on by anxiety. What were your swallowing issues? I thank you in advance for helping thise of us with these crazy anxieties. Thanks a bunch.

Maybe you should give the treatment that your GP prescribed a chance to work. With anti-anxiety medications, it often takes several weeks to get the dosage adjusted properly.
Yes, I know and agree, it's tough not to focus so you have to try very hard! To that end.... All my swallow issues started with small stuff, liquid mostly, some 10 months on I still don't have much trouble with larger bits getting stuck. I would suggest you listen to your GP and give it some time. Best of luck.
I am not choking or anything I just feel like the swallow isnt enough to get the food down. Little pieces in the back of my throat.
I am not choking or anything I just feel like the swallow isnt enough to get the food down. Little pieces in the back of my throat.

Which is consistent with a dry mouth and throat. Slow down your pace of eating, chew your food thoroughly (so it gets plenty of saliva mixed with it and becomes moist), and drink liquids as needed to help wash things down. You might also consider eating more high moisture content foods such as fruits and vegetables, rather than dry foods such as well-done meats and dried carbohydrates (breads, crackers, potato chips, etc.).
so this doesnt sound like bulbar ALS to you?
No, it doesn't sound like bulbar ALS to me. Bulbar ALS patients have an entirely different set of swallowing problems caused by weakness and paralysis of the swallowing muscles and the tongue. And most of the bulbar ALS patients have to take drugs to dry out their mouths because they can no longer control the swallowing of their own saliva.

Why do you insist on trying to make every little quirk in your body into a symptom of ALS? Do you want to have it?
no, I do not want to have it and I admire those of you that do, honestly. I am dealing with a lot of anxiety right now and I am trying to get that under control. I appreciate your help. thank you you have made me feel better.
My husband - bulbar onset - from what I can remember, choked before he was really aware of his swallow ability. Following choking episodes he realised it was his ability to swallow that was affected. Water and thin liquids became an issue quite a while before solid foods, infact he could manage steak long after he gave up on water and coke.

Barium swallow testing was done quite some time after diagnosis of PBP.
I dont have any choking it is just a sensation of food being stuck in my throat. I am ok with liquids, it is just some solid foods that give me problems like bananas. i swallow and it feels like it wont move out of the back of throat. it goes down slowly, thanks for your input.
I am actually having some swallowing difficulties of my own.

In the last week or two, I've noticed that I almost constantly have an oversupply of saliva in my mouth. I try to swallow it down, but it always seems to return. This makes it uncomfortable for me to talk, because I'm worried that I'll just spit it all out. Further to that, I also have the sensation of something being stuck in my throat, and when I eat things like muesli bars, some of it almost always gets stuck in the back of my throat, so I have to bring it back up to swallow it again... Lastly, despite the oversupply of saliva, I'm finding that I'm always having to clear my throat before talking, or after eating.

Should I should be worried about any of these things?
Should I should be worried about any of these things?

Obviously you are concerned about them, so you should bring them up with your primary care physician.

And it is extremely rude to butt into someone else's thread to talk about your problems. Add a post to your own thread. If anyone feels like answering you, you'll get their answers there. And samson77's issues will be kept separate from yours.
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