At the time I was on my last steps before wheelchair I could still manage a short distance with walker or crawl along a wall. We were in Las Vegas with 10 friends for my last big party vacation. My wife and I were in a accessible room at MGM .One day my wife was out while I was in the shower, upon leaving the bathroom with only a towel around my waste I was inching my way along the walls. In my attempt to make it to the bed to get dressed I accidentally hit the automatic door opener at the same time my towel dropped to the floor and of course I get all nervous and my whole body seizes up and I can't move at all. So here I am unable to move, completely naked and the door wide open for all the world to see and of course I can't speak anymore to explain what happened to anyone walking by lol !Boy was that a long 30 seconds until the automatic door closed. My friends certainly had a real good laugh and now I can to. Sure go ahead crack a smile at my expense everyone.
Take Care
Take Care