Arnold's web page:
Thank you Al for giving me the idea to post my web page on this forum. Congratulations! You are bringing in lots of funds for the cause. And I enjoyed reading your story.
Let's all pitch in and do our best to make the June 11th fund raisers a great success. We have a long way to go here in NB but we have some super volunteers and we are all optimistic. Let's hope for a fine day and lots of participants on Saturday.
Thank you Al for giving me the idea to post my web page on this forum. Congratulations! You are bringing in lots of funds for the cause. And I enjoyed reading your story.
Let's all pitch in and do our best to make the June 11th fund raisers a great success. We have a long way to go here in NB but we have some super volunteers and we are all optimistic. Let's hope for a fine day and lots of participants on Saturday.