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Ontario caregiver

Active member
Mar 4, 2005
I may need some advice and I seem to use this as my outlook.
Our case worker said they could take our care for Gary from us as "they say it may be unsafe for there worker to do transfers and commode chair/showers. The other company that service us have no problems with Gary.

My question has anyone else had this told to them and is there any voice agency we can contact to go above our casemanager. She is always tight with giving us hours and we are not using the full 60 hours a month that is allocated. Gary is weaker but as I said the one agency has no problem and we have use their full hour to the limit. I can do the transfered and I am not a trained person for hoyle lifts.

I am just lost, we need the help now and they are trying to push Gary to be cared at a hospital or nursing home, these are not Gary's wishes, but it seems to be the case manager altimate goal since she was assigned to Gary.

I am lost and had one of those deep stomach cry which never comes out of me often, but I at least got my thought back in order and feel stronger.

Does anyone have any thoughts, these hours are supplied through the Government do I go to my MPP or who ?

We all know it is less cost for the tax payer to have people to stay in their home as to hospital care, but I need any suggestions that you may have.
I may need some advice and I seem to use this as my outlook.
Our case worker said they could take our care for Gary from us as "they say it may be unsafe for there worker to do transfers and commode chair/showers. The other company that service us have no problems with Gary.

My question has anyone else had this told to them and is there any voice agency we can contact to go above our casemanager. She is always tight with giving us hours and we are not using the full 60 hours a month that is allocated. Gary is weaker but as I said the one agency has no problem and we have use their full hour to the limit. I can do the transfered and I am not a trained person for hoyle lifts.

I am just lost, we need the help now and they are trying to push Gary to be cared at a hospital or nursing home, these are not Gary's wishes, but it seems to be the case manager altimate goal since she was assigned to Gary.

I am lost and had one of those deep stomach cry which never comes out of me often, but I at least got my thought back in order and feel stronger.

Does anyone have any thoughts, these hours are supplied through the Government do I go to my MPP or who ?

We all know it is less cost for the tax payer to have people to stay in their home as to hospital care, but I need any suggestions that you may have.

I don't have any experience with home care services in Ontario, but do have some experience in British Columbia. I don't believe they can take away your home care services due to their perception that your husband requires too much care for them to provide. I would contact someone at
and explain what has been said to you. The wishes of the patient have to be respected. From my understanding, there is no legal grounds for an agency to insist that your husband go into a facility if he does not want to do that. The only way that a patient could be hospitalized or placed in care would be if he was being neglected or abused and did not have the mental capacity to make decisions for himself and was facing death due to poor decision making, and then the Public Health Act would have some power to remove him. That would almost be unheard of in your situation.

It sounds like the case manager providing home support has really stepped over the line with her threats to take your husband, and also by not increasing your hours as his condition deteriorates. You need more support and more hours--not someone making life more difficult. I would be contacting her supervisor and explaining what has occurred. I suggest you write down exactly what has happened and what your concerns are before contacting the supervisor. Be firm and state what has happened and what you need. You can also contact the Ombudsman for Health in Ontario if you don't get the help that is needed. And it wouldn't hurt at all to involve your local member of Parliament. The more noise you make the more action will happen. Best of luck. And I feel sick thinking that the case manager made you cry with her officious attitude when she should be bending over backwards to make things easier for you and your husband.
Hi Ontario care giver. I get 15 1/2 hours per week.2 weeks ago they (CCAC) contractor said they couldn't do my showers because they weren't trained on my Hoyer lift. Got in touch and raised heck and 3 days later 8 girls were at my place getting trained on Hoyer lift and range of motion exercises for me. Call CCAC you rOt or your MPP if need be.

If you need to talk send me a pm with your number and I'll call you.
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Ontario caregiver,

We had a few issues with caregivers not trained to use the hoyer lift or to do transfers etc... We had to just keep pushing the issue and raising heck (as Al puts it) Put your foot down about your hours! They are your hours.. you are entitled to them. We had to train caregivers how to use the equipment as well. Make sure you go above the "case manager" They have to answer to a boss as well. It is my opinion that keeping our loved ones out of long term facilities is a huge cost savings to the province and I had no problem frequently reminding the CCAC of this fact.
thanks for you comments

I am still spitting bullets, as a girl was trained yesterday, watch most of the time and sat in a chair most of the training time and said she did not need to learn Gary's excersises on Sat. so this was my first clue that she would not show up today on Sunday and she did not show up today with a supposed strained back, she did nothing to strain her back here, the girl that was here to train was on light duties, who did Gary's roll etc. so I very seriously doubt if she hurt herself or the one on light duties is hurt for she did the turns and lift movements

Tomorrow I call Caseworker boss, her( our caseworker) about no hours on Sun. the agency that supplies the hours why not trained workers being sent here and to question their workers if this is a set up for suppose strain for not being trained properly, John Richardson my member of parliment, and anyone else that they suggest me to call.

I am still very upset for the way they are treating Gary's care, but also the stress that Susan James ( our caseworker) put me under on Thursday.

I also thank-you for all your reply's giving me courage and confidence to proceed to the top.

Care for our love ones are so important and no one should back down, it is just so emotional when they
put you in a corner, but if anyone goes through this I hope they read this story, It is a true shame not only you deal with this terrible disease but then you have to fight caseworkers and agencies that sent untrained workers.

I will keep you informed of my progress, please do a few prayers for us that it all works out for Gary, and we get the proper help we are entitled for.

Thanks again for everything
Fingers are crossed here, and I am praying for you too. Be strong and assertive. Your husband deserves the best that is available. Too many of these home support agencies have such poor accountability. When my mom was living with us and unable to get to bed without assistance, I had a hellish time with the workers not showing up. I worked shifts and my mom would call me at work saying the worker didn't show up. I had to leave work, drive an hour each way, and put my mom to bed. I would just tear my hair out at times. I tried being very nice in dealing with the problem, but I too had to go to the top and scream loud and long. Take care and good luck and let us know how things go.
I hear you you! Get the help of your ALS clinic and ALS society to advocate on your behalf. I have been dealing with this for 8 years. You have to fight for everything with the CCAC; .
better days coming

I said I would update you on our bump in the road with the ALS journey.

We have a new caseworker, and I hope we will have a better care plan and I am pleased with the meeting.
What I did learn you are your own caseworker if you do not ask than you do not recieve, as I know now they expect your input for physio etc. but I did not know this and it sure did not get promoted from our old caseworker as that would be hours used, and that was not her way of working for her clients.
The suggestion to use ALS Society help was an option suggested and it was a call to get our lift fixed and ended up speaking to Susanne Clancy Director of Suppot Services ALS Society of Ont., and she was wonderful, helping with my frustration, and also coming to our meeting today, helping support Gary's needs, and supporting us, and educating about ALS, as even the professionals may not have clear picture of ALS, the time and care needed to support ALS survivors and caregivers.
There was talk about Gary choking, we have a directive which is to try to dislodge if pill or food caught and if cannot be done then if I would not be here, they would call me and they are to leave and let Gary go in peace as he want no cpr or ambulance at this point of the diease to him ( this is a very personal decision and not for all to concider). Our family Dr. was here and explained that is Gary's choice and their concern who and when would the decision be decided when to quit should not be concerned as Gary is comfortable with his decision. Gary will be reassesed with nursing care physio etc so that Gary will know if he needs more or the same amount of care so that is comforting for us that our voice has been heard.
Words of wisdom that I have:
You must fight for your loveones, and you will be heard. Do not sit back thinking thing have been taken away and not given back, so if you do not get the right answer then go one above to be sure you are getting the most care available, as I did not do this.
So again I will keep you updated if things do not work for Gary, but I have 110% confidence that we where heard and they will do more than their best for us, and that will take so much stress of me as a caregiver and Gary as a husband careing for my time away so I can handle the rest of the 24/7 care .

Never accept defeat or theats always fight for your rights.

All the best and if you ever need any help or advice I will share what I have learned
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