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Senior member
Apr 27, 2007
Perhaps you'll think this is strange, but I know you are all very understanding of the many symptoms that crop up for those of us concerned about als. This morning I woke up with a sensation of what can best be described as a wriggling sensation or worm-like sensation under my skin on my right calf. I cannot see any movement under the skin, however, when I look (unlike a fasciculation). The sensation can also be described as tingling running down an area of about two inches. It has not gone away all day. They occur every 3 to 6 seconds. At first I thought they were fibrillations (yet more bad news). However, I read descriptions of fibrillations by two doctors who state that fibrillations are never sensed by the patients and they can only be detected by EMGs. Are the experts wrong once again?

Jamie, you have done all the readings, what do you think?

My main problem these days, however, is progressive problems with slurred speech, which I know to be another cardinal symptom pointing to als, so I am very worried.

By the way, here is the statement by the neuro on fibrillations:

"Fibrillations are very different from fasciculations. They represent spontaneous electrical activity and very feeble contraction of individual muscle fibers. They are NEVER visible clinically, and they are NEVER felt by the individual suffering them. They are detected on EMG examination. They are a manifestation of a muscle fiber losing its nerve supply. Fibrillations do not occur in normal individuals, as a rule."
Slurred speech is a red flag for ALS I am sorry you have a problem >You should go see a ALS specialist as soon as you can to rule out ALS and be tested for other things that can cause slurred speech You need MRI CT and blood test.Good luck PAT
I can see my moms fasiculations on her arm, upper and lower.
The Neuro. ended up saying he thought ALS because of this finding along with eating problems and voice changes.

They look like quivering at the surface of the skin. Quick and minute. My mother does not feel them.

On the fibrillations, everything i have read, is they or not seen or felt, as they are electrical activity.

But, to me, common sense tells me, if you stick your hand in an electrical socket, wether its 1 volt or 115, don't you feel it?

Electrical is electrical by virtue of definition right?

So, to me, it only makes sense, that if you aggrivate the muscle, you will feel the electrical impulses.

I've never agreed with a doctor telling me, that if anything / something is going on inside your body, you can't feel it, unless of course it's imaginied (i.e. - psych problem). I mean, i want to tell the docs, when you have fibrillations and you tell my you don't feel them, iwill believe you.

BTW...i have the same thing.

And that's my opinion and i'm not sleeping at any Holiday Inn's, as a matter of fact, i'm not sleeping much at all.



Thank you for your caring words. Every week it seems this disease makes my life more difficult. Each week I find that I am limited more and more in terms of what I can do. Since I have to lecture, slurring my words is not acceptable. However, because I have not yet been diagnosed, I can't go on disability. I will try to work around my limitations, such as asking for a microphone to project my voice and speak more slowly. I am already engaged in modifications, such as eating more slowly. My muscles seem to tire when I eat, which also impacts my speech rapidity and articulation. Like you, I also feel the "wormlike" fasciculations on my foot, so perhaps what I have on my calf is the same.

As you know, one of my main concerns is providing for my young daughter. Since I live alone, the possibility of facing als alone is daunting. I will have to resolve my work situation soon.

My immediate strength is still very good as I have yet to give up working at the gym and lifting weights. I can still bench press more than 300 pounds on a Universal machine. The actual weight I could do on a free weight bar would be much less, perhaps 150 lbs. Still not bad for an old fella. Yet, I notice my muscles are not the same as they were before I started with the symptoms. The muscles irritate much quicker. I do have tongue atrophy, but tongue strength is still good, although not excellent.


Yes, I already had 2 MRIs, and they found very ittle. A couple of hot spots, which the interpreter felt is sometimes characteristic of MS, but the neuro discounted this and felt the spots were nothing to worry about. Besides, I do not have any other symptoms of MS.


The more I thinkabout the sensations in my calf, I think they may actually be another type of fasciculation. Fasciculations come in many flavors, and perhaps this is one that I have recently developed. The concern for me is that they are 24/7.

I appreciate the support of all of you. Without this community, life would be more difficult.
Okay, I'm missing something with the whole Holiday Inn thing, but with Datelines latest on bedbugs in hotels, I wouldn't sleep in one either!

Pat and I have discussed the fibrillation thing pretty extensively and I think we concluded that we could write our own research paper on them. The docs say they only occur in this disease or that disease, another doc will say the opposite. The docs say you can't feel them, but Pat and I and many others feel them.....they are like a very small vibration. My latest neuro didn't tell me I couldn't feel them she said that they didn't show up on my EMG, so it must be anxiety or stress or something like that. So chalk another one up to having many different faces! ~Leslie
Perhaps, the vibrations you feel are not fibrillations but another sensation.

Can a fasciculation be kind of one "pop" of a deep random muscle? I mean, I have expierienced twitches but to me that is more or less a whole limb "jerking"....


PS best regards to all

Limb jerking can be myoclonus. I have this. It is like when you fall asleep or sleep next to someone and they twitch or move. (kinda like my baby) well, I have this when awake. I had it alot more a few months ago but it seems to have calmed abit. The twiching that I have is more of "pop" "pop". It feels like a pulse sometimes. If you want to see true fasic's then fo to "you tube" and put in als fasic's.

Best to and all........

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