Strange sensations around muscles, widespread twitches and cramps

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New member
Jun 7, 2020
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Hello wonderful people! :)
I'm 19 years of age with no outstanding health issues. I used to workout regularly but stopped recently. not because of muscular weakness or loss, but rather strange sensations i started getting after my last session, which was around a month ago. a week later of being sore, i started having VERY weird sensations like, water was dripping or pouring out of my muscles and into my abdomen. this progressed to the head, then to the feet and legs.

This all started with shortness of breath and severe pain while breathing, aswell as struggling to inhale. This however, improved greatly recently. I was warm all over, still am.
we went to the doctor beforehand, as where i live, covid-19 was not in full effect. rather, it is now, and i cant visit a doctor so i came over to this forum to relieve my anxiety. Doc (3 of them) said its 'anxiety and stress' 'related to studies' which is not the case at all. I have no stress and have never had any either.

These sensations started to subside about a week or two ago, and i am no longer having these paresthesias (atleast 90% of em). However, i have dull ache in my shoulders, neck, upper trap, deep dull ache just under the gap in the chest wall cartilage in above the abdominal cavity. This is aggravated by posture. Also, my obliques seems to contract with minimal effort, and sometimes on their own.

What brought me over here is the fact that i have painful cramps followed by slow fasciculation like contractions and relaxations of muscle in my abdomen. This was present in my legs and knees too but it subsided (thank god or i would have had a panic attack).

But what worries me is this paresthesia and tingling is also present in other areas and facial nerves. Like, in my cheeks and nose. I was thinking if it could be some kind of herpesvirus? which is endemic where i live. as we speak i had a violent cramp and in the upper centre of my rectus abdominis. thank you for your answers and best of luck to all als sufferers out there, <3
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You have reported nothing that would lead us to be concerned about ALS. Perhaps you could consult with an infectious disease specialist on line. It is possible that you are getting over a virus, for example, even COVID. But you do not need to be here, which is very good news.
Never heard of this in ALS so you are clear of this one :)
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