Story please have fun:)

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save Thanksgiving by.....
Warming them all by the fire and being thankful that they were all spared injury. See, he realized that the true meaning of the Thanksgiving season wasn't about eating turkey. The season was to be mindful of our blessings, big and small. After the fire turned to embers...
the truck driver opened Marta's bottle of Jack Daniels and offered a toast to...
Hi Phil! :) His toast: Hey you turkeys! "May you live as long as you want and may you never want as long as you live". Happy Thanksgiving! With that, the turkeys departed flying off to the North West to Fort Collins Colorado to make new free lives for themselves up on Arthur's Rock. The truck driver thoughtfully watched them fly off and made a decision.
Note to Magpuff: I'm still recovering from having been cut to the quick at the suggestion that I might be an IRS agent. Actually, I relate to Calvin :)
And your little dog too!
Well, an apropos Calvin & Hobbs cartoon got axed from my last post. Oh well.
Then how am I supposed to understand without the cartoon , Phil? :) Where were we?

Oh, the truck driver's decision was to never drive crazy birds again. Instead he decided to....
never be a truck driver again! His TRUE life long dream was to be a HOBO and ride the rails going places he had only dreamed of while meeting interesting people. He put all his stuff in a really big bag and started walking towards the sound of a distant train whistle. He was walking through the dark woods and all of a sudden he came upon......
A pudgy wood nymph drinking the hobo's favorite guessed it...Jack Daniels! She took a long pull on the uncapped bottle and pushed it toward the hobo in offering. The kind hobo said...
Why, thankey my young lady. You must be related to Marta because.....
"You kind of look like her albeit a little more...shall we say...round than she and you have her favorite libation at the ready"! *glug glug*. "Tell me, when is the next train going to pass by so I can hop a ride to anywhere"? The good, round and slightly tipsy wood nymph looked at her sundial watch and said...
Not for at least half a bottle...
With that said, they both grabbed at the bottle only to..
spill the rest of the contents which made the train come faster so the two of them started running toward the tracks and.......
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