ltr said:
I'm sorry for your not knowing zac. I know how you feel. Coming from a mother who thinks she has ALS, if there is a way for you to spend more time with your kids, I would do it. You can look at it like this, if it turns out that you don't have ALS, you didn't lose because you quit your job, you gained a good portion of your children's lives. Some people quit good jobs and the good life to move closer to their kids even when they are not sick. So, if your heart wants the time with them, make plans before you get sicker, if you do. In the meantime, I would be happy with the doctor saying you don't have it while you are waiting to see if your condition changes. You said you had a lump in your throat. Maybe another thyroid test? I know you've probably had them, but that sure would be the easiest fix. I hope you have people in your life to help you!
Many of you who are sick and tired, possibly the article below will be helpful to you.
Worry and Anxiety Help
"A God, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse; it takes away the appetite and turns the hair gray." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
It does a lot more than that, Benjamin! The harm that worry causes in our lives has been well documented by many writers, health professionals, and philosophers. Worry can weaken and sicken us, and turn our days into nightmares. At the very least, it prevents us from living fully and happily the only life that we will ever have. At it's worse, it is a killer.
There are numerous ideas that help to reduce or eliminate worry and the symptoms associated with it. Many of the pages in this collection present different topics for consideration in a program to live a happy life with a minimum of worry.
Worrying over things that 'might' happen can waste large portions of one's life, considering that so often it is for nothing, and almost certainly does no good.
"My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened." - Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
A lot of our anxieties and fears have no sound basis. The rest, when examined for what they are, can usually be set aside. In the small percentage of cases where they cannot, they should not dominate our lives. If it's something we can do nothing about, let's spend our time thinking about the good and pleasant things in our lives, and move on in a peaceful and contented state of mind.
"There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable." - Christian Bovee (1820-1904)
It's never too late to start eliminating worry.
If you are interested in this artticle, your are invited to read and post to my blog at