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I have publically posted on several chats and forums the exact amount I spent, but this one seems to be on a witch's hunt. Anyone interested in this treatment only needs to contact Eden Labs for their cost.As an American Citizen I am used to paying for all treatments ei ther by insu rance or check.. Nothing is free here.

Thanks you answered my question.
End of story.......
I'm leaving my 1/2 million dollar fortune when I die for Stem Cell research, in the hopes that maybe 20 years from now, they will find a cure for ALS.

Hi Conrad- I like to think the cure will be found sooner than 20 years. Cindy
Like I've said before. Try to establish a bit of credibility herw with some posts (meaningful) before dumping advertising which we don't allow here anyway and if you had bothered to look around the site first you would know and then I wouldn't be called the bad guy for having to remove your post.
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