I've read input here from a number of people that UMN will present itself with cramping and hyperfexia as in exagerated startle response.
My question here is can anxiety and being very nervous (about having Bulbar/ALS) also bring on hyperflexia/cramping?
It's 4 AM right now for example and I'm up typing into this Forum because I had a little cramping in my forearm and now very worried that I'm starting to experience some of the symptoms of UMN.
Thanks and God Bless.
My question here is can anxiety and being very nervous (about having Bulbar/ALS) also bring on hyperflexia/cramping?
It's 4 AM right now for example and I'm up typing into this Forum because I had a little cramping in my forearm and now very worried that I'm starting to experience some of the symptoms of UMN.
Thanks and God Bless.