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Active member
Dec 23, 2008
I've read input here from a number of people that UMN will present itself with cramping and hyperfexia as in exagerated startle response.

My question here is can anxiety and being very nervous (about having Bulbar/ALS) also bring on hyperflexia/cramping?

It's 4 AM right now for example and I'm up typing into this Forum because I had a little cramping in my forearm and now very worried that I'm starting to experience some of the symptoms of UMN.

Thanks and God Bless.
Another example of this nervousness regarding feeling that I'm losing fine motor control (indicative of UMN), is I wondering if my constant worry/nervousness over UMN is causing some subtle shakiness that may be causing me to occasionally drop things.

I'm up at 4 AM tossing my football back and forth between each of my hands ensuring I can still catch and just checked my tongue for fasciculations (none).
personally I dont think worry can bring on brisk reflexes or cramping and I am diagnosed with bulbar, I was not aware of brisk reflexes before diagnosis and I did not loose fine control until ages after I was has been one year now, and my fine control has only just begun to go...but as we know, everyone is different

I think nervousness can make it worse. For me personally, I noticed that when I went to my neuro My limb jerking (myoclonus) was really bad. I mean I Felt like I was twitching and jerking more so than I ever had before. Then when I left, it was better. But, I have been stressed in the past and never had ANY of what I feel these days. So I guess what I am saying is that being nervous can make it worse but I dont think that it will bring it out of blue either.

I know that stress can exacerbate my symptoms. As I have learned to relax better, it helps the diagnosed process as the ongoing chronic symptoms have gradually separated out from the come and go symtpoms that are likely related to stress and anxiety.

I won't promise you that your symtpoms will go away if you reduce your stress level, but it will be easier for you to wait between doctors visits and diagnosed tests.

Take care,

Good advice. Thanks. I'm sick of worrying like I have for the past 4 months. So is my wife.
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