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Hi Don, I am so glad you are doing better! God bless!

Not enough words...

Yeah! - Made it through the Day! I want to thank each and every one of you for helping me get through this, your support has helped me so much and gave me the courage to get thru it all - especially my fears and stress... There just aren't enough words in any language to express the depth of my gratitude.. I was so scared and at completely near the end of my rope, and it was you and only you that got me through the past week, your words of encouragement and strength and hope and prayers is what gave me the faith and ability to fight. Thank you especially to Gina, CindyM, SWMN, kmgy and some new friends Linda, Paty (welcome back), ilgal, Norma, vmd and whoever I may have missed or forgotten - Thank you... I just wish I knew words to describe what I feel for you....

I did feel much better today and think my Mom is feeling alot better and alot less fearful. Cindy - I think you are right, but somehow this machine on the second night was able to regulate it better - it is supposed to have some kind of memory brain thing that records and adjust itself to my breathing every ten minutes - I find that just amazing! Hopefully tonight and tomorrow morning will be even better - just a prayin' and a hopin' :-D ..

yay, i am sooo glad you are feeling better, keep us posted.

Don, so, so glad you are doing better! From the way you describe your machine, it does sound like it will keep getting better as it self adjusts. Glad too, that your mom is ok. That must have been scary for her, as well as for you. I just know that tomorrow will be a great day! :-D Isn't the power of prayer amazing?! :mrgreen: Take care & let us know how you are doing.

It was good to see your recent posts and learn that things are looking up. I hope you will feel better and better. Isn't is great what some O2 and sleep will do.

Let us know the "name" of your machine. That could be a big help to those who have to get bi-paps in the future, so they could ask about getting the latest technology.

Are you making plans for someone to take more responsibility in your business? I know we hope for the best, but we have to prepare for the worst. Seems like getting some things/people in place now will make it less stressful if the time comes that you can't be the "boss."

Wishing you the best.

Hey Don,

have not heard from you in a while. how are you doing with new bi-pap? Let us know how your mayo appt. went.
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