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Aug 20, 2010

I was on here in July after experiencing twitching and stiffness in my muscles, left arm and left leg... at that time, EMG was done - Normal. Symptoms persisted and on top of my left arm/leg stiffness/twitching, I have now developed swallowing and chewing problems and a nasal sound speech over the past two months. I also have some weakness in my left arm. EMG was repeated - mildly abnormal - mild polyphasia only with reinnervation my left deltoid and left tensor fasia latae... Next came the evoked potential test ..... (I have bladder incontinence and some muscle burning/pain/tingling, including burning in my tongue - and because i have a pacemaker implant, they didnt want to rush me into surgery to check for MS - they did a spinal tap in july - normal)..... evoked potential testing on my eyes was normal .... sensory evoked potential on my arms, normal .... sensory potential on my legs, both abnormal ..... now my neuro wants an MRI, but i am pretty certain what this is turining into based off of my symptoms and these early findings...... (?) I also now have some atrophy on the left side of my face and tongue..

Does anyone know if motorn neuron disease can cause Sensory evoked potential abnormalities (SSEP) ?
I'm not trying to sound stupid but what did you mean they didnt want to rush in for surgery to check for MS? Sorry, just curious:D
No, ALS does not cause sensory issues.
A negative lumbar puncture doesn't rule out MS. Your SSEP , bladder issues, sensory issues are much more compatible with MS than to ALS. Your neurologist wanting an MRI is good as if it is MS the MRI should pick that up. Good luck.
Hey all,

Thanks for your replies.

I have a stomach pacemaker implanted, that is why I could not (and have not) been able to get an MRI (you can't have MRI's with pacemaker-like devices implanted) neurologist was trying to be conservative in his approach by holding off on the MRI in order to look for MS lesions.... that is why he did a repeat EMG, lumbar puncture, and evoked potential ..... trying to gather data, and perhaps, an answer from it all, before sending me off for surgery for explant of my pacer device.........

will keep you all posted... Thanks again for the replies.
Sounds quite the ordeal (getting the pacemaker removed to get the MRI). Best of luck with getting to the bottom of things, and let us know what happens. Take care.
Laurel - Yes, it's been a big pain.... and waiting is difficult. They wanted an MRI months ago, but because of this pacemaker, I've had to patiently wait for them to collect all the possible data they could (to try and figure out what is going on WITHOUT having to go through surgery)...... Scared but ironically, still have a peace - no matter what the outcome..... sometimes having to WAIT forces you to REST, with peace, because you honestly have no other option - other than to lose your mind..... and I'd much rather have peace than lose my mind! ;o)

Will keep you all posted.

Angela you are a breathe of fresh air. I wish you the best with the future. I am sure the medics are looking after you well.
It certainly does sound a bit like MS. Luckily there are a lot of good disease modifyingbtreatments on the market and heaps of oral ones just getting registered at the moment.
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