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Distinguished member
Aug 21, 2024
Help (again) I really wish we had a good ALS association or group that actually helps people with ALS. We keep drowning out here with no help. Applied for SSD 10 days ago. Email today says 154 days average for our application to be looked at. It’s Already been 2 months since dx (our fault not applying sooner) office in our city does not take appointments. All had to be done online. I call - often times recording says call back everyone busy. When I did get thru before filing to confirm expedited has to apply sane way the rep didn’t even seem ti know what I was talking about. Anyone able yo advise on how to get this quicker??
I think the only answer is to call again. I think you should have a case number or claim number? I don’t remember but think so. The term you want is TERI ILLNESS. Expedited due to Teri illness. Once you get a human try to escalate the call until you get someone who knows what it is. You might be given a phone appointment with a case manager that would be ok too. Does your clinic have a social worker even if your alsa doesn’t? We don’t have a good alsa here either
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I just read on here that it takes 7 months from dx date to start collecting so maybe nothing more needs to be done rn since we’re only 2 months past dx. ?
No. There used to be a five month wait from dx for benefits which translated to about 7 months before you saw money. Thanks to some advocates and their hard work there is no wait after diagnosis and stopping work for eligibility. They should back date benefits to your application date.
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I can confirm that. My mother finally got approved after 5 months and they sent us a lump sum check for every month after diagnosis.
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When I applied I made an appointment and went to the social security office. Once the paperwork was done and was told it would be expedited due to the diagnosis, I received an approval letter 10 days later. I don't know if all offices work the same but that was my experience.
When I stopped work, I went on my company's long term disability.

The insurance company required that I apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, in part because the insurance company would deduct any SSDI benefits I received from the insurance company's disability payments to me.

This was such a benefit to them that they provided free legal services to apply for SSDI.

From the time I filled out the paperwork until SSDI approval was less than 3 weeks. A week of this was a delay on my part. They needed me to appear in person at a social security office. The closest social security office is over 60 miles away and it took a bit to organize getting me there.

An interesting note is that the social security office I visited was not handicap accessible. While I had started the process of getting a wheelchair, it had not arrived by then. It would not have mattered, because there was no curb cut that would have allowed me to get a wheelchair to the office entrance. The doors were not automatic and were so heavily spring that I could not open them by myself.
Thank you everyone. Our SS office does not take appointments. I will try to call the number in the email that says 154 days until review our application:(
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