Sorry I am back here

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New member
Nov 2, 2024
Learn about ALS
I am so sorry for posting again but I’m at a loss and just looking for some advice, I know no one can diagnose me here but I am terrified.

I have been to my GP 3 times in the last 4 weeks and each time she has done manual muscle testing which appears normal.

I am having constant breathing issues, inability to get deep breaths with every breath I take, expanding my chest but it never feels fulfilled, constant yawning and sighing for breath but unsatisfied, constant discomfort in my chest. I bought a peak flow machine and results range from 430-450L/min. This issue is happening constantly everyday day, no matter if I’m sitting, standing, or laying down. My oxygen ranges from 96-97.

I now have a feeling in my throat of tightness, when I eat it feels like it’s stuck but eventually passes, like I’m going the choke on nothing and I also feel my speech is changing but no one around me has noticed anything.

I am really terrified this breathing issue is due to ALS and the throat issue is bulbar weakness.

I really hope this post doesn’t get closed. I am just looking for some advice and what people think this sounds like in the context of ALS.

Thank you.
Hi Maisie-

You were sent links to more appropriate support via pm and told to work with your doctors. We simply are not able to help you here. This is a forum dedicated to supporting people with ALS and their caregivers. It's not for non-ALS complex medical issues or diagnostic use. We are not a replacement for general medical support. While we sympathize, there is simply nothing we can do for you here with regards to you finding a diagnosis. If you are struggling to breathe, only your doctor can provide you appropriate care, not strangers on the internet.

You have been cleared of ALS. There are many reasons for breathing issue, so to focus on ALS means you may be making it difficult for your doctor to untangle your symptoms and provide you the help you need.

I will be closing this thread once again. Please speak with your doctor.

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