Some questions i still wanted to ask

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Oct 22, 2008
Learn about ALS
Here are some questions i still wanted to ask regarding als;

1. If pins and needles are not a typical sign of ALS, then why do many people on these boards have it?

2. Does an exhausted/overused and an 'about to cramp up' feeling also fall under the sensory part? is it a sign of ALS or more like BFS? I've read that ALS starts with obvious weakness and no feelings, thats why i wanted to know for sure

3. My toe sometimes tingles and it tingles for about 3 seconds long after i touched it. But tingling is mostly benign right? :roll:

Hi, Spacemonkehh ...

1) Pins & needles are not a symptom of ALS ... as I understand it, they can be a symptom of neuropathy and other things, but you'll have to get Wright to explain that. The reason so many people on this forum mention it is because they do not have ALS. They are experiencing strange neurological symptoms and Googling trying to figure out what is causing it, and they end up here. We seem to be a waystation for people who have funny stuff going on. First they Google their symptoms ... one or two may be similar to ALS symptoms ("twitches," "weakness" etc.), so they visit here for a while trying to make their symptoms match ALS, then they see a doctor and get a real diagnosed.

2) I'm not sure what an "about to cramp up" feeling is like, so can't help you there.

3) I don't think that tingling is mostly benign ! It's just not a symptom of ALS. There are a gazillion other things ... some of them quite serious, like MS ... that have tingling and pins and needles sensations as symptoms. Which is why it's best if you have neurological symptoms to start by seeing a doctor to find out what is happening with your body, then join an appropriate forum for support. It can eliminate a lot of panic and worrying.

4) But of course, I started with Google. Do as I say, not as I did. :-)
hi space

I get the over used about to cramp feeling all the time, mostly in my feet. I had it REALLY bad last night. I just still have not been able to figure out if this is a cramp or not. I know it sounds dumb! It feels like a cramp is going to happen but the foot does not move or stay flexed like you may get with real cramp. Could it just be a deep ache from muscle loss? I have lost the small muscles in my feet and when I walk alot I get these at night?
I also get the about to cramp feeling in my chest, neck and rib muscles then sometimes they'll twitch and sometimes not. My feet and hands cramp all the time or I guess I should say left hand and right foot. Sometimes before the cramping I have a little of the mild pins and needles thing for a few minutes. I don't know what it all means since I'm not diagnosed with anything at this point. Take care, k
hi space

I get the over used about to cramp feeling all the time, mostly in my feet. I had it REALLY bad last night. I just still have not been able to figure out if this is a cramp or not. I know it sounds dumb! It feels like a cramp is going to happen but the foot does not move or stay flexed like you may get with real cramp. Could it just be a deep ache from muscle loss? I have lost the small muscles in my feet and when I walk alot I get these at night?

Have you been diagnosed with ALS?

I dont know if its caused by muscle loss.. i can still stand on my toes on the affected leg.. i get these cramps at my ankle and mostly at the achilles tendon. I had some sores at that area early this year by sporting and got some fysio treatment. Now i dont know anymore if it has come back or if its caused by something else. I get the exhausted feeling mostly when driving :roll:

Sorry, I have NO diagnosed. I am seeing an als specialist and I have had symptoms since last december. I have had an emg (that was clean) I had a muscle biopsy (it had some things on it but nothing that led my nuero to think mnd, at this point). I have brisk reflexes.

I have muscle loss on my feet or fat loss. They are boney and sunken in. I CAN stand on my toes and walk on my heels, too. They just ache and hurt after prolonged periods of
I went to the GP last fall becasue my heels hurt so bad and the balls of my feet when wearing my shoes. They did x-ray and it was fine. My gp said that people after giving birth can get heel something or anther, dont rember the name. I thought that I had arthritis because my feet and ankles would hurt so bad after shopping.

SO I am perplexed that my feet shrank (my shoes to big) and they hurt when I walk for periods of time. I dont understand, if the muscle was gone how could I still use them? but I can to some degree, I was playing tennis 4x week on a travel team last summer, and now just going on my sons field trip hurts my feet and back. My hands ache and they have lost the small muscle for sure. IT is very notable. I can still use them and cook and drive but my grip strength is bad.

bottom line, I dont know what is going on....sorry to blab on, I have that as a problem.

I get the tingles here and there too.
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