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New member
Aug 24, 2009
Learn about ALS
Hi everyone, I would like some advice about my issue?
I'm a 39 year old rugby player, about two years ago, every time I tensed I would get twitching in my tricep in my left arm along with pins and needles. This has continued to present (Pins and needles have stopped now). The muscle twitching now occurs all over my body including both calfs and back. Rightly I have got concerned about this and went to my Doctor. He sent me for blood works, MRI and a visit to neuroligist, telling me he was thinking MND.
This scared me as I have heard about this condition and the effects. The blood work came back fine but the MRI showed slight bulging discs at C5-C6-C7. The neuro gave me a medical examination checking my strength, reflexes etc and said that she was fairly sure that my muscle spasms were nerve irritation from the spinal cord. She also said that I would have to go for nerve conductivity tests. This was in May, however since then in the last couple of weeks I have noticed my Left Deltoid muscle is losing muscle mass before my eyes. I have not lost any strength in my arms or legs etc and still train regulary, however the spasms and muscle loss have got me stressing again and I would appreciate any advice or comments from you guys on this issue.

Thanks in advance Ryan
Did you have an EMG done by the neuro? You need to go to a neuro that has experience in MND.
I'm curremtly waiting for the EMG, what I'm worried about is that are symptoms indicative of MND? I know facsilations are and muscle loss, I've only lost it in the deloid region so far. My strength is fine and I'm not tired etc but you read so much and it can be overwhelming!
Hello Ryan

Pinched cervical nerves as you most likely have from your bulging discs can certainly cause the symptoms you have mentioned, including loss of muscle in your deltoid.

Since you are worried about ALS:

Your muscle loss in the absence of any muscle weakness would point away from ALS. Muscle loss with ALS typically presents after having had muscle weakness for some time.

It appears that your neuro is confident in her diagnosis and she will confirm it with the EMG. In the meantime, please don't worry so much.

P.S. Your original physician was completely irresponsible for even mentioning ALS. ALS is rare and there are hundreds of other more prevalent things that could explain your symptoms. I'd go back and drop kick him.
Wright, thank you very much for your reply. Its taken a weight of my mind.

Regards Ryan
The issues that you are dealing with first brought me to this forum as well. I had the exact same symptoms as you, twitching, muscle loss (mine was in delt, forearm, and hand on one side) and just some general odd feelings in my extremities. Had MRI and EMG, which both confirmed pinched nerve root in cervical spine. Definitely relax, the waiting game can be the most frustrating. Once the nerve compression is resolved (surgical or otherwise), you should begin to regain muscle mass within the next 6 months or so.
Again, thanks for your input, its really appreciated!
OMG, Ryan, you got all this great insight from a medical professional, and you don't want to argue about it?

I'm in awe. Can we give this man some kind of award ?!?
Beth I dont understand your post? Is there something else I should be doing? I'm still waiting for the EMG, have to ring the nuero tomorrow about it.
Ryan, I think that was her way of saying that you are being rational in your approach to the issue. Even though you are certainly concerned, you are not arguing and insisting that you have ALS as some people do, when there are literally hundreds of things it could be besides ALS. It was more of a poke at others than you.;-)

Best wishes.
Ktmj, thanks for clearing that up for me, I was being extremely dense for some reason!

Regards Ryan
Sorry, Rigante ... yes, that was a BIG compliment ! So many people sign on and ask a question and then argue endlessly about the answers they get because for some reason it's not what they want to hear.

I especially appreciate your exchange with Wright, and your courtesy and common sense.
Thank you too Beth for your kind words, there are so many inspirational people on this forum,

Regards Ryan
Hi guys, sorry to be a pain but I have a question for Wright and Anon 3183? Anon did you have numb and tingly sensations in both legs? since tuesday last week everymorning and through the day I have been having these sensations in my legs. I can still run and climb stairs etc with no problems so there doesn't seem to be any weakness. The best I can describe it is when your legs have been asleep, the feeling you get before full feeling returns. (sorry thats a bit vague). Wright, would this also be indicative of pinched nerves in the cervical spine?

Thanks in advance guys, (Still waiting for the EMG appointment!)

You didn't ask me specifically, but sensory symptoms along with your others COULD indicate a neuropathy. You probably know most of those are aggravating but treatable.

BTW, your description of the tingling is perfectly understandable by most people I think.
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