skin breakdown?

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Active member
Jan 3, 2015
Lost a loved one
Question for all of my favourite people.

Hubby woke up this morning and had a 'rash' looking red mark in his armpits. Right is worse than left. As he has very little movement in his arms it looks as though it is not getting enough air and/or rubbing.

I am sure that many of you have experienced this with your PALS.

What is my best way to heal and prevent it?

we have used gold bond medicated powder for these types of things...dries it out and helps it heal
After you wash it, hit it with the blowdryer , if it itches we spray tinactin on it--And Johnson's has a baby powder with aloe that is really nice too. my husband tends to get his rash in his groin area but same thing--
Grumpy will sometimes get the same thing under his arms. I wash the area with Ivory soap (this is Grumpy's preference) and rinse well and pat dry. I try not to rub because it seems to make it worse and then use Gold Bond or Nystatin powder. Our NP said they can develop a fungal infection under there if not careful so I do this twice a day. Hope this helps.
Yup, what they said. Tim gets blow dried after every wash or shower, and I put an anti fungal cream if his arm pits or groin is reddened. Gold bond is our best friend, but not too much. Also I have found that if I clip the hair in his pits and perineum they are easier to clean, have less odour, and seem not to get red anymore. Hey, apparently shaving in those places is the in thing for men now. I am so impressed with the improvement following the shaving that I am thinking of recommending it in the hospital for bed bound patients. I use the battery powered razor clipper that we got at costco to trim his beard. We burned out one blow dryer already, but it is worth it.
I get the same rash sometimes. Funny, I never had jock itch until I was in a wheelchair! Trimming the hair sounds like it should help but for me, well, hubby says the welcome mat is worn out anyway...
The crazy dry skin is back. Moisturizers /creams/lotions don't seem to help. He flakes fro everywhere!
Larry was intolerant of powders and creams generally, but we had some success with the Nutribiotic line of products that contain grapefruit seed extract.
I use a soft brush, like a bath brush and brush his skin before the shower. It also helps with lymph flow, and circulation, and after his shower I use coconut oil. Then I have to fight the puppy off of him for a while, but he loves it. Remember that we are able to scratch and move so the dead skin on our body gets rubbed away, but someone with mobility problems gets a build up.
Clean and dry definitely. You can try Nystatin powder (Rx) or the doctor can prescribe a topical lotion with an antibiotic and steroid. My husband would get fungal infections under his arms. Neosporin also works. Hope it helps!
This is a perennial problem. One of my husband's night caregivers brought over a concoction of coconut oil and essential oils. I don't know the recipe, but I'll try to find out and post here. It has helped a lot, especially the itchy dryness.
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