Hi everyone, my name is Kathy and I had a sister who died of ALS back in 1999 she had Bulbar, she lived about 4 yrs. We sent blood to the ALS clinic to have them tested to see if they could find anything that might have caused or if the rest of us have the same whatever it is they call it, as my sister. but they tested hers and not ours, they said that they didn't find this whatever it is in her blood. So they said it was Sporadic. Now my brother has been diagnosed with ALS Bulbar, like my sister was. So now the tables have turned. So we let them know at the ALS clinic, so that they would test all of our blood to see if they can find something there that shouldn't be there I guess. Anyway, my brother does alot of excerises and his wife makes him chew gum to keep is strength up which seems to be helping. She also massages his back, sholders, legs and arms after they walk. which seems to keep the twitches at bay. My brother works out at the gym too. All I can say about Bulbar is make sure they excerise and eat plenty as you don't want them to lose any weight. If they choke on water which is what my sister did, then you need to get the thickener for it. Keep them alevated when they sleep also. Don't let anyone tell you that excerise doesn't help them, because it does. My brother Sonny has been slurring since last summer. He found out that he has ALS just last month. The ALS doctor said he didn't think my broth had ALS because he was stronger then both my brothers wife or himself. But he started to lose muscle tone in his tongue, so he chews gum. I'm the baby of the family and of course the worrier. My brother is doing great with his diagnoises. I read that Al lost 14 members in his family to ALS. I just can't even fanthom that. I'm not very good at doing this on the internet. I hope it is ok with everyone. As I have no one to vent my worries to. I apologise. and thank you for listening to me rattle on.
THank you,
THank you,