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My mom would shiver a lot when she was nervous and stressed. When she went to get her peg she was shaking a lot at the hospital even after they gave her heated blankets.
When she could relax it would get better.

Shivering and then progressing to full blown rigors was one of the tough things as all the chest muscles and intercostals started fasiculating and atrophied. I had to wrap up in blankets until it stopped. As facial and neck muscles started fasiculations and atrophy my chin started quivering and my jaw now has no real bite left. I chew chunks out of my cheek and lips when eating. My jaw shakes all the time which makes me think I am cold.
What about pins and needles to go with the cold feet or hands?

I have had this for a couple of years now. My neck gone nuts the past few weeks. I started using Paloxin which is concentrated capsaicin. It makes the tingling, pins and needs stuff go away for a day or two each time I rub it in. I am using it sparingly as I have fund what works usually is short lived and I don't want to run out of tools in my toolbox.
also the lack of muscle movement causes the blood in the viens to not have good flow. Artries pump blood actively but veins flow blood inactively and muscle movement helps that. Following blood warms us up.
an electric lap blanket helps keep my husband warm (they are just the right size!) so the heat in the house doesnt roast the rest of us!
ademia (sp?..swelling because of bad circulation) is another problem this can cause

keep warm!
Reading your comments helps me understand my symptoms too. I get the bone chilling cold in my hands a lot (I thought it was just from winter) and my legs will get cold and feel like the cold is coming from within them. I will get a heating pad and start wearing the fingerless gloves. I was diagnosed with ALS 04/12 and live hours away from support groups. Thank you so much for sharing. Beckylou
Keep in mind that one of the functions of our muscles is to aid in temperature regulation. With ALS they are not getting the signals they need to carry this out.
and on the swelling that can happen.... My husband"s feet and ankle swell terribly, even turn red/purplish, a quick rubbing turn them the noremal color as th blood is flush by the movement. We tried using pressure cup(those leg wraps they put on a person after an operation that fill with air and squeez then the air is released, like a blood pressure cup) that helped som but not as well as simply wrapping his feet and ankles with good ol ace bandages for a few hours
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