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Distinguished member
Nov 2, 2007
This is probably a strange question, and I am almost embarrassed to ask. My husband is in the late stages of als, his symptons first onset in 2003 after falling off of a stage, He is a popular musician, He was diagnosed in 2006, He has lost around 100lbs. His breathing is at 17%. I don't know how accurate this is because when he went to clinic (He HATES it) he really didn't even try to blow in the machine, he hates clinic because he feels like when he goes for checkups they are so suprised to see him again and to tell you the truth, it is very depressing for both of us...He still wants to have sex regurally. I am concerned that this is not healthy for him, He uses his bi-pap constantly. I don't mind but I AM concerned about the strenuous activity for him....I am wondering about this from other folks but was toooo embarrassed to ask....Any feedback?:oops::oops::oops:
Sorry I think I should of started a new thread on this....I didn't mean to impose about you folks with small children. I do have a 10 year old stepdaughter and her dad has als. I should of started a new thread about this subject, but I haven't figured out how to do that...I am truly sorry!
You are OK, Netty. I think this topic fits in here. If you do a search on pervious threads you will see that almost no topic is off limits. We're not a shy bunch by any means!

You raise a good guestion, though. Anybody got any ideas? Cindy

You're OK! I've just read your post...If you think he has really deteriorated to the point that he may not have long...I dunno...wouldn't you want to make him happy? On the other hand I can see your predicament in that you would not want to feel that you are causing him further distress and deterioration.

Have you spoken to him about it? How you don't want to hurt him? I would get his view on this and then proceed from there. Don't know if that helps any. Nice that he still wants to be intimate! :wink:
I don't know if this helps but if you saw the movie "So Much So Fast" they were trying for a second child. I know he was on a vent but that still takes energy. That would be a nice way to go if it happened they say the sex function is only limited by immobility so if he has the energy go for it. You could also do things less stressful relief is relief. You may be looking at it from a woman's point of view.
This is probably a strange question, and I am almost embarrassed to ask. My husband is in the late stages of als, his symptons first onset in 2003 after falling off of a stage, He is a popular musician, He was diagnosed in 2006, He has lost around 100lbs. His breathing is at 17%. I don't know how accurate this is because when he went to clinic (He HATES it) he really didn't even try to blow in the machine, he hates clinic because he feels like when he goes for checkups they are so suprised to see him again and to tell you the truth, it is very depressing for both of us...He still wants to have sex regurally. I am concerned that this is not healthy for him, He uses his bi-pap constantly. I don't mind but I AM concerned about the strenuous activity for him....I am wondering about this from other folks but was toooo embarrassed to ask....Any feedback?:oops::oops::oops:

Well if worse comes to worse you'll just have to take matters into your own hands. I hope you get the meaning here.
Al! You are too funny...... I decided my new nickname is going to be "BOB" lol.........thanks for all yalls support. I guess in the midst of all this crap the only thing that keeps us going is humor......Thanks Again! and by the way Al, Freddie is going to have some wine this evening and a toast to you......So Cheers!
Thanks for all you do...:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Funny, my husband and I were talking about this topic earlier this morning! My thoughts are that since your husband is the one with ALS and he is the one telling you he wants sex..well, go for it. As long as you're comfortable of course.

I tease my husband about that a lot. I make him promise that if I die when we are having sex he has to say in the obituary, "She died while making mad, passionate love with her husband one last time". Wow. Wouldn't that be cool?

Have fun.
Sex with ALS partner

You all sound like very loving couples. Since my ALS diagnosis I believe that my husband and I have never loved each other more. If your husband wants the intimacy, even with ALS, those are healthy and powerful feelings. To me that's "Living with ALS" not Dying with ALS.
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