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Bad Balance

Senior member
Dec 10, 2010
No offense intended...please ignore this post if frankness bothers you :)

So I have a slow progression so far but I can see the inevitable coming...a wheel chair is the next step.<sigh> my stomach is tied in knots as I contemplate the future.

My question?... is there still sex and physical sensation as you loose the ability to control your body?

- J
I don't have als, but I have noticed that I don't have the muscle strength and stamina anymore. It is not as great as it once was but (cross fingers) it is better than nothing. There are more types of intimacy than the actual physical act. This illness and aging sucks!
The involuntary muscles are not affected, so you should be able to participate... :)
as far as having sex my husband and i still enjoy sex even after the peg tube. not as often but still. ur mind and heart r the major sex organs
Sex?:?: :confused:whats that!............been about 15yrs since i took part in that activity:roll:
Since ALS/PLS doesn't hit the sensory nerves, the sensation is still there. Eventually, it does mean your partner has to most of the work, so the question really comes down to motivation. Spasticity can present issues sometimes, but a preventive dose of whatever anti-spastic you use will usually clear that up. I don't remember if you're a guy or a gal, but if you're of the male persuasion, pulling with a towel wrapped around your partner's waist is said to be a good replacement for pushing ability. Creative, motivated couples never have to give it up.

On a personal note, for my hubby, the amount of pain I was in was the real issue we had to get around. He hated the idea of me hurting, and I am spastic and arthritic both. It took us a while to get it all sorted, and we still have to deal with that tension sometimes. But we're hanging in there, and you can, too.
Sex can help with the release of endorphins that help with some pain, I get muscle cramps during but after I feel more relaxed and the pain does go away fairly quick. I sleep better too.
I think there needs to be a clinical trial based on sex! Has to happen 3-4 times a week at least and make this the lengthiest trial ever :)
Thank you Greg, your post made me laugh a know it's not so easy as I'm sad most of the time.
Bad Balance,

It totally depends on your partner and your perception. ALS does not do anything to your manly parts. My husband is in a power wheelchair and we still have sex. I do all of the work. We do it when I bathe him, in the chair, in the hospital bed. We make it work if he has the strength. Nothing about this is easy but it is about your view and creativity :)
I agree with Beky, a good dose of antispasmatic med 30 minutes before, and a good massage to loosen things up usually helps.
Kiara - I know what you mean......maybe that sort of a trial would make ya a little bit happier:)
oh my:oops:,my eyes are far too sensitive for this.
My eyes are just fine. :)
my eyes are crap but me whats its fine...not as good as it was...and me missus is a good fibber........
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