Senate passed the Steve Gleason Act (S. 984)!

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Legendary member
Sep 1, 2013
Dear Max,

Great news in the fight to ensure access to speech generating devices (SGDs)… less than five minutes ago, the Senate passed the Steve Gleason Act (S. 984)! The bill would restore a person’s ability to upgrade SGDs and allow people with ALS to access email, the internet and environmental controls. The bill also would ensure that people with ALS can keep their SGDs if they are admitted to a hospital, nursing facility or hospice.

The legislation now heads to the House of Representatives where we will try to pass it as soon as possible. Keep an eye out for our Action Alerts as the process moves forward to learn how you can help.

Thank you to Senator David Vitter (R-LA) for all of his leadership to champion the Steve Gleason Act in the Senate. Thanks also to the bill’s other champions: Senators Susan Collins (R-ME), Charles Grassley (R-IA), Angus King (I-ME), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). Their collective efforts made the bill a priority in the Senate, but it was your efforts to reach out and tell the ALS story that led to its passage.

Thank you to everyone! You clearly have made a difference!
Great news thanks for the info
Great news, Max! Thank you for keeping us all posted.

You clearly have made a difference!​
have they passed a bill yet that would cut the nerves of the bureaucrats that tried to get this legislation passed? Let them suffer as they tried to make others suffer and see how they feel then.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I simply have no words to describe the lack of humanity of these people.
And they passed it unanimously, which is pretty unheard of in this day of partisan politics...
It still needs to pass the House. I hope the unanimity of the Senate will force them to do the right thing
It still has to go to the House of Representatives. I'm still apprehensive it will get done.
>I'm still apprehensive it will get done.

with good reason!
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