Lyme is very controversial (spelling?), but, in any event, most labs are not reliable on testing. You need to send your blood to IGENEx Labs, for a complete lyme panel, if your considering getting tested. Everyone on-line says that they are the experts. I've ordered one, i'm in the same position as you and alot of other people. Alot of unexplained issues, but NO ALS....? Anna1980 got tested for lyme, she has the same problems as us and bam, she tested positive.
There is a ton of controversy on this lyme, but it's very possible and treatable.
I would recommend sending your blood to this lab, order the 6050 panel. You will need to find someone to draw your blood, separate some of it into serum and send blood and serum to them. As easy as this sounds, it not easy. Most people whom draw blood, have contracts with labs, so you'll have to find someone who will draw it, and give it back to you and you ship it via DHL or FEDEX. Go online and get the test request forms and the instructions at It will tell you what you need, but in short, you need 2 ml of blood and at lest 3 ml total of serum.
good luck and let us know.