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I am also in the midst of trying to figure out what is wrong with me and have yet to recieve a diagnosed but at the onset of my symptoms I did have an MRI and was told that I have a couple white lessions but that they were normal. A new symptom presented itself a couple days ago and is happening more frequently each day> it looks like there is something crawling underneath my skin on the side of my right hand. I can feel that something is contracting as it indents and then re-inflates. It also is occuring in my left hand but not as often or as obvious as my right. Also if I lift my arms above my head or bend my wrist to assist myself when raising from a sitting position I hear a loud snapping noise. This also happens in my knees as I climb stairs-while leaning against the wall for support. Best wishes to all of you out there! Those waiting to be diagnosed and especially those of you that suffer due to this disease.
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