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New member
Jul 15, 2008
Learn about ALS
On June 15th, I noticed a pain deep in my right upper leg area. Over the next few days it continued to worsen and the skin became numb. I saw my doctor who gave me medication - muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories. It helped control the pain which at times was intense but I could not function when I was so drugged. After two weeks, the pain lessened and a general discomfort replaced it. I now have a similar discomfort in both my upper arms.

I am seeing a neurologist this coming Friday. I guess the reason I joined this forum is because my grandmother and aunt both died of ALS at the age of 58. I am currently 53. It would be just too coincidental for it to be anything else.

My boys are 18 and 15 and I have no idea how I will tell them when I am actually diagnosed.

Does it sound like a definite to you?


It may some kind of MND, but it doesn't sound like ALS. Normally ALS doesn't any pain associated with it and not much discomfort either. Do you have any twitching or weakness? When you see the neuro, he will be able to check for all symptoms.
Good Luck,
I'm not a doctor but ALS generally doesn't start the way you describe your symptoms Deb. I have no idea what it could be but I'd not stress about anything yet.

No, it doesn't sound like a definite to me. I am not a dr but, it doesn't sound like als.
I really feel for you, it must really be scary to have 2 family members die of ALS at the age of 58.
Was the pain in your upper leg in the front or back and the numbness could you feel anything at all?

Hang in there,
Thanks to all of you for your replies. It helps that there is a place to go to express your fears without anyone calling you crazy.

I'll let you know what happens after my next visit.

Regards to all,
Hey Deb- I broke down in tears in my doctor's office today, doing the "what if" route. She is pretty smart. She gave me kleenix and promised to try to solve this but said, "you are getting way ahead of yourself."

I think she is right. It is not time to worry yet. :-D
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