Scared out of my mind and not sure where else to go.


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Jul 30, 2024
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im 27 6'3 and around 210 lbs. About 6 months ago seemingly overnight i started having pain and weakness below the knee in the left leg (the weakness being more perceived weakness as i can still move, lift and operate the leg the same before it started but just feels weak and constantly tired), mostly in the calf and knee but recently in the thigh and butt. couple days later it started doing the same to my right leg. as the weeks went on my left arm started hurting in the same way as my left leg (general soreness and the perceived weakness and fatigue) that after a couple days spread to my right arm.

Iv been to the E.R and to other specialists and have had blood tests. physical checkup, mri of my neck and head, cat scan of my head and neck, and recently a EMG that all came back as normal and that im completely "healthy". its been like i said about 6 months since the start of it all and the weakness and pain persists and my whole body feels "tired". the pain in the legs have spread to thighs and butt on both sides.

Im just wondering what my next step is? im worried its ALS and everyone keeps saying its unlikely but i cant sleep cause of it. Any advice or understanding would be amazing thank you. Just adding that the pain feels like iv run a marathon or been kicked several times and its a constant bruise. no pins and needles no numbness just soreness and fatigue
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Hi there-

It sounds like you've read the Read Before Posting, but if you haven't please make sure to do so. Pain and other sensory issues, no clinical weakness and a clean EMG point towards something else. Fatigue is one of those general symptoms like coughing that is really not specific to any one condition.

Have you seen a physio? What does your doctor say next step is? If you are unable to sleep due to anxiety over ALS, that is very likely adding to your sense of unwellness. Addressing this might be helpful.
Sorry for taking so long to replie its been hard mentally so I traveled to be with family and that's has been taking up my time. I have been to a physio and both they and my primary said next I should try a ortho or neurosurgeon to see if they have more insight. I have anxiety meds rn and it been helping but I still have some fears.

Since the original post I feel as if iv gotten weaker, once again so dropping things or fumbling or can't walk just the overwhelming feeling that I am or will. The pain in my calves have definitely also affected my thighs and butt as well as my hips making it hurt to walk and it feels like my knees are going to buckle but I can run on my tiptoes and skip backwards without issue as well as crouch with no issue other than pain and that weakness feeling. Also my spine hurts all the time and my neck and back pop constantly.

My biggest scare right now is It seems like my Hands have more pronounced tending and they seem slimmer as well the muscle between my pointer and thumb on my right hand (which is my dominate) is bigger than my left . my calves seem to have wasting as well.

Sorry again for this scared replie just want to know I'll be okay and that maybe everything is just me over analyzing myself to such a high degree.
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When I see all of the above including hip pain and popping neck/back, I'm wondering about a played-out mattress and/or pillow, overtraining, lack of stretching, an awkward position while driving/working/gaming/watching screens, stuff like that.

If you tick through everything above (and it helps to get someone to observe your positioning; it's hard to do yourself) and symptoms persist, I'd see a rheumatologist. What you've described seems very far from ALS or anything like it.
So Nothing from any of my posts including the calves hurting all the time, the weakness in both arms and difference in muscle size between left and right sides seem to you guys it's als?

Can you have nerve issues or spine problems without burning, tingling or numbness? I just got that precieved weakness and pain?
As you were already told sensory issues point away from ALS. You also feel weak but apparently are not weak if you can run ( on your toes even,) and skip ( even backwards)

All that pain could indeed be a spine issue or even a sensory neuropathy. What it is not is als which is a motor neuron disease ( not a nerve disease). Please work with your doctor