I just recently signed up on the forums here and i have a few questions concering als symptoms. im 29 year old male and just up until recently i started experiencing muscle twitcing all over. generally i would get them in my eyelid and i wouldnt really pay attention to them until one day i noticed my finger twitched and i got a little freaked out. in the span of a month i been riding my bike quite a bit and i started to notice when i stoped exersicing my muscles would twitch like mad. my feet and calfs would twitcing and feel like i had worms in them. it freaked me out to no end and i started looking online at possible symptoms and als poped up on a few pages and scared me alot. so after 2 weeks i decided to take advice from a friend and get some calsium and mag tablets and started taking them. my symptoms in the past month have now went from having one finger or eyelid twitch to now full out twiting all over such as my eyes my back my sholders my stomache my leg my feet everywhere but not my tounge as i guess some people get. im making a doctors apointment next week since the twitcing hasnt went away and im scared to death im dying of this horrible diease. some people think its strees related seeing my dad has recently been told he has 6 months to live due to alcoholism. But a little reasuance on what it could be would help. i just wish all this twitcing would stop. it only seems to happen when im relaxed not when im moving and doing things. and i still do ride my bike but get a occational foot cramp on my left foot which seems to go away throuhout the day or when i start to move. thanks for listening to my story. i been acually losing sleep and not eating well because im so scared of it being somthing bad seeing i was only up until recently fixing things in my life. and now i get this.