Hey there everyone,
Saw neuro on Tuesday and I must say firstly she is a very nice person but most importantly she is very good. I can see she is very thorough and is going "cross all the t's and dot all the i's."
She ordered a blood test for everything under the sun including myasthenia gravis which is what you would think the other neuro should have done especially considering my breathing issues. So of course we are hoping that it is that but she also observed the atrophy in my right hand and forearem which is most affected. Don't think you get atrophy with mg?There is also spasticity and hyperreflexia in right upper limb.
Don't really know what else she observed clinically just that my right hand is partially paralysed. That is why she is testing me rigorously because she knows something is wrong it is just a matter of what!
Of course I will have to endure another mri to rule out ms although she hasn't mentioned a lumbar puncture thank God!
Can't get in for emg until end of June so it is all a waiting game.
Hoping you guys are all in good spirits and powering on. I know for myself I have to pick myself up DAILY as this thing has a way of getting me down. In a weird sort of way I just want answers I think the not knowing is the worst part even if the answer is something you don't want to hear. Does that make sense?@@@@!
Saw neuro on Tuesday and I must say firstly she is a very nice person but most importantly she is very good. I can see she is very thorough and is going "cross all the t's and dot all the i's."
She ordered a blood test for everything under the sun including myasthenia gravis which is what you would think the other neuro should have done especially considering my breathing issues. So of course we are hoping that it is that but she also observed the atrophy in my right hand and forearem which is most affected. Don't think you get atrophy with mg?There is also spasticity and hyperreflexia in right upper limb.
Don't really know what else she observed clinically just that my right hand is partially paralysed. That is why she is testing me rigorously because she knows something is wrong it is just a matter of what!
Of course I will have to endure another mri to rule out ms although she hasn't mentioned a lumbar puncture thank God!
Can't get in for emg until end of June so it is all a waiting game.
Hoping you guys are all in good spirits and powering on. I know for myself I have to pick myself up DAILY as this thing has a way of getting me down. In a weird sort of way I just want answers I think the not knowing is the worst part even if the answer is something you don't want to hear. Does that make sense?@@@@!