Removing fillings and Chelation

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Distinguished member
Oct 17, 2015
Lost a loved one
I didn't know if this falls to this category or in Other..

I want to know if any PALS have have done the Chelation therapy? And if you have had your amalgam fillings removed?

We went to the NaturoPathic Doc today to get the results of the Chelation. He is showing high levels of Mercury 55 and Lead 24 in his urine. (the numbers didn't show up in the general blood tests that the Neurologists did in September). She is now suggesting that his fillings could be adding to these numbers. She wants to begin a Chelation therapy that will take about 6 "sessions" She also said that he would initially feel yucky at the beginning of the first session. I suggested we wait until we return from our trip to South Carolina.

If you have done the Chelation Therapy did it reduce your Metal numbers? did it make you feel any better? Is it a waste of time?

Thanks for listening to me.
I have done neither of these. I am highly suspicious of these special tests that reveal issues mainstream testing misses. I also am suspicious when the treatment is supposed to make you feel worse initially. While that can be true for some legitimate treatments ( such as cancer chemo) it seems that this is a common ploy with people who purport to treat ALS. If you think it is a side effect of treatment then you will think oh this is temporary when in fact it is progression. By the time you realize otherwise you have wasted time and money.

I remember a member here long ago whose brother was a dentist and removed all the PALS fillings having thoroughly researched the method that would give the least increased exposure during the procedure. It made not a whit of difference to the PALS' progression and he died relatively quickly ( he was not a 5 year survivor I do not remember if he was 18,24,36 months somewhere in that range I believe)
If this naturopath is suggesting any kind of cure I would run.
If they are simply suggesting supportive therapy and it won't cost and arm and a leg I would listen.

If they don't know squat about ALS (which I suspect) I would not spend any money with them - spend the money on doing something lovely together that will give some quality of life and build beautiful memories instead.

I totally agree - if blood tests did not show high metal levels, I would be suspect on what has suddenly shown up, especially if that naturopath is renowned for this chelation therapy ...

just sayin
crap, sorry Nikki, naughty words again ...
My feeling is that if fillings had anything to do with it there would be an easily identified correlation...
I have not done Chelation, but my brother is a physician and he does it on himself and his wife regularly. He swears by it--says it makes him feel better.
The chelation isn't that expensive. Though my PALS just latched onto hearing her mention it could be the fillings. I suggested that if he wants to do the treatment but that we really can't afford to have all his fillings taken out and re done.

Thanks for the input again I appreciate it.

I’ve been interested in alternative medicine for years, and I don’t like what I see. Feeling good is not the same as being healthy. And the body, given time and rest, will fix most things itself. Many treatments merely make you feel better while your body is healing itself.

I suspect chelation might have a placebo effect. It’s only approved for lead poisoning. I would only allow chelation if a board-certified Internist were familiar with it.

I avoid alternative “medicine” like naturopaths. See the “confession of a former naturopath” at www (dot) sciencebasedmedicine (dot) org/naturopathic-diaries-confessions-of-a-former-naturopath/

As to replacing mercury fillings, lots of contradictory research has been done. I’ll leave you to read that. The real decision clincher, in mind, is in this quote: “Far more mercury is released when amalgam fillings are removed than over their entire lifetime if left undisturbed.”

You may think I’m biased because my wife was a doctor for 20 years. I prefer to think I’m well informed, of course. :)

Your choice, of course.

He is showing high levels of Mercury 55 and Lead 24 in his urine. (the numbers didn't show up in the general blood tests that the Neurologists did in September).

There is your first clue! Chelation is done as an accepted medical practice for people who have metal poisoning detected by standardized testing. Trusting the levels found by someone who has them run at a special lab and gets different levels than in normal testing puts that "practitioner" under suspicion. She is marketing chelation for her profit. Metal poisoning certainly occurs, but the signs and symptoms of any particular metal poisoning are distinctive, well documented, and do not match ALS. I have heard from several ALS patients who have had fillings removed. None slowed progression much less improved. Please, please research any claims of help for ALS very carefully. We are desparate people and therefore sitting ducks for quacks and natural medicine practicioners and alternative treatments. Some of what they offer may be helpful but beware. I have had ALS for 30 years and have heard hundreds of promotions of snake oil (and actual snake venom), and NONE of them have proven worthwhile. Unless you are rich, you will need that money down the road.
Hey Katie,

I had all my mercury fillings removed over 15 years ago (brother-in-law is a dentist). If the fillings had anything to do with ALS then I should have escaped this nightmare. Didn't happen. I do however encourage you both to keep researching and asking questions about everything that is out there. Right now, I'm all about comfort so I can enjoy my days.

Wishing you nothing but the best,

The naturopaths say the same thing for people with autism. Reducing lead load will improve symptoms. No published studies to support this.
I'm afraid that if you do the treatment series but leave the fillings that you are lending the theory enough legitimacy that your PALS will always wonder "what if" and ultimately be the worse for it. This disease is hard enough without that kind of regret. Also, whatever money you think you have tends to disappear and so Diane is right; hang on to it so it is there when you need it the most.
Hi everyone, I am ashamed that I have taken your time with this thread. As you have all pointed out these people are after us looking for that last hope. We have found that this test is "provoked" and brought up numbers that are false.

I am hurt, angry, resentful and really really angry (I already said that but) It angers me that we have put our trust into someone that we figured was taking my PALS best interest in mind. Seeing him physically deteriorating before my eyes and hers. I should have picked up on it at the very beginning when she insisted that she has always said that in Heavy metal poising mimics ALS. She had this road paved for us to head down from the minute we said ALS.

I have shared all this newfound information with my PALS and I think he even comprehends it, that we are being led astray. We don't have the money to spend.

Mike thank you for the link. Diane thank you for your words. I have read the to my PALS and I think he is listening.

Truly I cannot thank you all enough for being there thru this. The many twists and turns with scary false stuff around each and every corner is making me crazy!
We are very glad you asked. The fact that there are so many out there anxious to take advantage of people in our situation remains shocking to me. please everyone if you are considering paying someone money for an unconventional treatment ask like Katie just did. We have had people come and report only after spending large amounts of money with no results. If you ask and we tell you why not you can always ignore us !
Katie, no reason at all to be ashamed for bringing up the topic of metal poisoning and chelation. We have all been at that stage of desperation and looking for hope. The discussion was valuable to to everyone here and especially to the newly diagnosed. Never be afraid to ask ANY question here or to run ideas by us or to just let loose with your feelings on bad days. That is what we are here for. As a group we can hopefully help everyone handle the good, the bad, and the downright ugly!
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